Stamps :: United States :: Possessions |
 | Ryukyus Islands: Sc #9, used. | Price: $2.00
Item #11589 |
 | Ryukyus Islands: Sc #8-13, MNH. | Price: $45.00
Item #11590 |
 | Ryukyus Islands: Airmails, Sc #C1-C3, MH. Faults. | Price: $30.00
Item #11594 |
 | Ryukyus Islands: Airmail, Sc #C3, MNH, Block of 4. | Price: $45.00
Item #11595 |
 | Ryukyus Islands: Special Delivery, Sc #E1, MNH. | Price: $15.00
Item #11599 |
 | Cigarette Tax Stamp, Series of 1901 w/Philippine Islands Oveprint. | Price: $20.00
Item #18127 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: $1.00 Block/4, Sc #R11, MNH,. Slightly disturbed gum. | Price: $36.00
Item #18128 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: 20c Overprint on 25c Block/4, Sc #R7, MH/MNH,. Top 2 stamps are hinged. Bottom 2 stamps are non hinged. | Price: $185.00
Item #18129 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: 20c Overprint on 25c, Sc #R8, Used. | Price: $80.00
Item #18130 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: 25c, Block/4 Sc #R1, MNH. | Price: $110.00
Item #18134 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: $1.00 Embossed, Sc #D14. Cats $500 for the whole document. This has been cut form the document. | Price: $150.00
Item #18148 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: $1.00, Sc #R14, MH. | Price: $22.50
Item #18150 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: 10c, Sc #R16, MNH. | Price: $75.00
Item #18153 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: 5c, Sc #R15, MNH. | Price: $55.00
Item #18155 |
 | Hawaii: Revenue: 50c, Pair, Sc #R12, MNH. | Price: $260.00
Item #18157 |
 | Hawaii: 12c Prince William Leleiochoku, Sc #36, Mint Hinged. | Price: $25.00
Item #19046 |
 | Hawaii: 6c Kamehameha, Sc #33, Mint Hinged. | Price: $15.00
Item #19047 |
 | Hawaii: 18c Mataio Kekuanaoa, Sc #34, Mint Non Hinged. | Price: $150.00
Item #19049 |
 | Hawaii: $1 Revenue Tax Stamp, Sc #r11, mint hinged. | Price: $9.00
Item #20041 |
 | Hawaii: 20c Revenue Tax Stamp, Sc #R7, used. | Price: $15.00
Item #20043 |