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Stamps :: United States :: Duck Stamps
1961 Federal Duck Stamp on a Oregon Hunting License.
Price: $5.00
Item #14687
1949 $2.00 Federal Duck Stamp, Sc # RRW16, MNH.
Price: $35.00
Item #16100
1945 $1.00 Federal Duck Stamp, Sc # RW12, MNH.
Price: $48.00
Item #16101
1944 $1.00 Federal Duck Stamp, Sc # RW11, MNH.
Price: $70.00
Item #16102
1943 $1.00 Federal Duck Stamp, Sc # RW10, MNH.
Price: $110.00
Item #16104
1939 $1.00 Federal Duck Stamp, Sc # RW6, MNH.
Price: $125.00
Item #16105
1946 $1.00 Federal Duck Stamp, Sc # RW13, MH.
Price: $17.00
Item #16108
1947 $1.00 Federal Duck Stamp, Sc # RW14, MH.
Price: $20.00
Item #16110
1942 $1.00 Federal Duck Stamp, Sc # RW9, MH.
Price: $35.00
Item #16111
Federal Duck Artist Signed Mini Sht, RW75b, MNH.
Price: $75.00
Item #1787
RW39/CA2 Duck Stamps on a 1972 Hunting License. A 1972 California hunting license with Calif #2 duck stamp affixed and a RW39 Federal duck stamp on the back.
Price: $200.00
Item #1990
Federal/State Duck Stamp: RW61/WA10 on License.
Price: $18.00
Item #2606
US Federal Duck Hunting Stamp, RW3, Mint Hinged. Straight edge and stained.
Price: $42.00
Item #4129
US Federal Duck Hunting Stamp, RW8, Mint Non-Hinged. F-Vf.
Price: $185.00
Item #4131
US Federal Duck Hunting Stamp, RW16, Mint Non-Hinged.
Price: $45.00
Item #4136
US Federal Duck Hunting Stamp, RW22, Mint Non-Hinged.
Price: $55.00
Item #4140
US Federal Duck Hunting Stamp, RW31, Mint Non-Hinged.
Price: $80.00
Item #4143
US Federal Duck Hunting Stamp, RW36, Mint Non-Hinged.
Price: $50.00
Item #4145
US Federal Duck Hunting Stamp, RW37, Mint Non-Hinged.
Price: $30.00
Item #4147
2000 Washington State Duck Stamp: WA16a, MNH.
Price: $50.00
Item #43782
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