DK Enterprise


Ephemera :: Military
Official U.S. Navy B/W Photo of the USS Wahoo SS-596.Price: $15.00

Item #56107
Ephemera :: Military :: Foreign
German Navy Label: Commander Baltic Station, Mint.Price: $10.00

Item #51777

German Navy Label: SMS Pfeil, Mint.Price: $10.00

Item #51778

Germany: 3rd Reich German Army Gray Hat Patch, Mint.Price: $75.00

Item #m6597
Ephemera :: Military :: Navy
Engraving of Capt Charles Wilkes, U.S.N.Price: $25.00

Item #39288

Germany: SMS Hela Official Seal, Mint.Price: $10.00

Item #m6277

Germany: SMS Habicht Official Seal, Mint.Price: $10.00

Item #m6279

1896 Assignment Orders signed by H.A. Herbert, Sec of Navy, Adm J.H. Sands, & CDR W.H. Emory.Price: $75.00

Item #n17102

1896 Assignment Orders signed by H.A. Herbert, Sec of Navy, & Adm J.H. Sands.Price: $50.00

Item #n17103

1897 Assignment Orders signed by Casper Goodrich (Future Rear Admiral).Price: $25.00

Item #n17104

1900 Assignment Orders signed by John Long, Sec of Navy.Price: $25.00

Item #n17105

1893 Assignment Orders signed by Hilary Herbert, Sec of Navy & CDM Arent Crowninshield.Price: $75.00

Item #n17106

1893 Assignment Orders signed by Hilary Herbert, Sec of Navy.Price: $25.00

Item #n17107
Ephemera :: Military :: WWII
WW2 Shoe Purchase Certificate from Fairchild-Suisun Air Base, Ca 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #43737
Ephemera :: Military :: WWII :: Army/Air Force
1943 19 July Life Magazine Air Force "Girl" Pilots, Womens Air Corp signed by 4 Women PIlots fm Bremerton, Wa.Price: $75.00

Item #30318
Ephemera :: Military :: WWII :: Navy
B/W Photo of Pan-Am Building, Wake Island Showing Damage from the Invasion by Japanese.Price: $25.00

Item #pc1007