Covers :: Postcards :: Military |
 | Dress Parade, Fort Lawton, Seattle, Wa, mint. | Price: $5.00
Item #21983 |
 | Officer's Quarters, Bremerton Naval Yard, Washington, mint. | Price: $5.00
Item #21988 |
 | Officer's Quarters, Puget Sound Naval Station, Washington, mint. | Price: $5.00
Item #21989 |
 | RPPC: Rifle Drill Cantonment, American Lake, Washington, used. mailed at Tacoma, Wa. Creased. | Price: $10.00
Item #21998 |
 | Photo: Bridge Building & Engineering, circa 1910s, mint. | Price: $10.00
Item #22010 |
 | 1915 French Military Post Card, mint. | Price: $20.00
Item #32402 |
 | 1915 French Military Cavalry Dragoons Post Card, mint. | Price: $25.00
Item #32403 |
 | RPPC: H.M Royal Air Force Hawker "Furies" in Flight, Mint. | Price: $10.00
Item #51192 |
 | Real Photo:Military:WW1: 3rd Oregon Infantry Band, Unused. | Price: $25.00
Item #m2340 |
 | RPPO: WW1 Troop Formation & Inspection, Mint. | Price: $10.00
Item #m4807 |
 | Real B/W Photo: USS Wyoming Battleship, Mint. | Price: $10.00
Item #pc1006 |
 | Captured Two Man Japanese Suicide Submarine, mint. | Price: $3.00
Item #pc1011 |
                           | RPPC: USS Texas, Battleship. Mint, Stained. | Price: $10.00
Item #pc268 |
                           | U.S. Navy Light Cruiser, linen, Mint. | Price: $5.00
Item #pc274 |
 | Firing 12in Mortar, US Army, 1900's. | Price: $20.00
Item #pc408 |
 | Military Barracks, Wanchai District, Hong Kong, 1900's. | Price: $30.00
Item #pc409 |
 | Sunday Services in the Field, 1900's. | Price: $15.00
Item #pc410 |
 | Cassions at a Train Station, 1918. | Price: $20.00
Item #pc411 |
 | Lowering the Flag, Camp Foster, Kacksonville, Fl 1930. | Price: $4.00
Item #pc447 |