DK Enterprise


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Covers :: Censored
Tel-Aviv, Palestine to Ols Town, Maine, 1944 Dual Censored. Palestine censor tape type 9, scarcity 7 and New York censor cellophane tape.Price: $85.00

Item #15127

Haifa, Israel to Willow Run, Michigan, 1952 AIrmail Censored. Haifa, Israel censor tape and handstamp.Price: $25.00

Item #15129

Antigua, Leeward Islands to New York, 1941 Scarce Antigua Censor Handstamp.Price: $50.00

Item #16261

Rangoon, Burma to Honolulu, Hawaii, 1940 Censored. Type 1A2, Scarcity 7 handstamp & Type 1A3, scarcity 7 censor tape.Price: $60.00

Item #19973

Moga, India to Williams Collecge, Mass, 1940 Censored, Airmail Postage due. Karachi censor handstamp, Ty 1B1, scarcity 6. No indication of postage due collected.Price: $45.00

Item #19974

Czechoslovakia to Harbin, Manchucko, 1938 Censored. Uprated postal card. Written in German.Price: $200.00

Item #20586

Rangoon, Burma to Los Angeles, Ca 1941 Burma Censor. Censor type 2x, scarcity 5.Price: $25.00

Item #20814

Bolivia to New York City, 1942, Airmail, Censored.Price: $10.00

Item #21588

Bolivia to Syracuse, NY, 1942, Airmail, Censored.Price: $10.00

Item #21593

LaGrange, Ill to Margate, Tasmania 1917. Faint Tasmania Censor Handstamp.Price: $125.00

Item #21603

Bitish Zone Germany to Boulder, Co 1946 Censored.Price: $5.00

Item #21687

Philadelphia, Pa to Cape Town, South Africa, 1941 Registered, AR Censored. Blk/4 5c Annapolis and single 5c West Point. South Africa censor tape. Backstamped Philadelphia, New York and Cape Town.Price: $35.00

Item #23101

New York, NY to Greece, 1945, Censored, UX37.Price: $35.00

Item #23188

Rebstein, Switzerland to Wien, Austria 1917 Censored.Price: $15.00

Item #24319

Barcelona, Spain to New York, NY 1945, Spainish & US Censored. Spanish censor handstamp on reverse.Price: $10.00

Item #28611

Nicaragua to San Francisco, Ca 1942 "Released by CPSA".Price: $25.00

Item #29077

Berkeley, Ca to Yokohama, Japan 1918 Censored.Price: $15.00

Item #29772

Honolulu, Hi to Elizabethport, NJ 1942 Censored Clipper Mail.Price: $5.00

Item #29790

Russia to Yokyo, Japan 1916 Censored.Price: $30.00

Item #30345

Saffed, Palistine to Wein, Austria 1919 Palistine Censor. backstamped Br FPO SZ23 and Port-Said.Price: $175.00

Item #30371

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