DK Enterprise


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Covers :: Military
Havana to Savannah, Ga, 1899, 1899. Backstamped Savannah, GA.Price: $75.00

Item #hs2609

Military: APO 172 Germany 1958, Offically Sealed. A 1958 airmail cover from APO 172, Garmisen, Germany. Offically sealed in Jacksonville, Florida.Price: $20.00

Item #m1191

Fort William Davis, Canal Zone to Salem, Or, Airmail 1951. CZ U10 & C7.Price: $5.00

Item #m2488

Fort William Davis, Canal Zone to Salem, Or, Airmail 1951. CZ U10 & C7.Price: $5.00

Item #m2489

Fort William Davis, Canal Zone to Salem, Or, Airmail 1951. CZ U10 & C7.Price: $5.00

Item #m2490

Fort William Davis, Canal Zone to Salem, Or, Airmail 1951. CZ C8 solo.Price: $5.00

Item #m2491

US Army 11th Medical Regiment, 15th Birthday, 1 Dec 1937, Hawaii.Price: $5.00

Item #m2504

Camp Douglas to Beloit, Wis 1925 w/letter.Price: $5.00

Item #m3237

Camp Douglas to Beloit, Wis 1925 w/letter.Price: $5.00

Item #m3238

Washington City, DC patriotic cover. Multi-color Union for Ever patriotic cover.Price: $75.00

Item #m60

POW/MIA FDC autographed Leroy Manor Brig Gen. A 1970 FDC of the POW/MIA stamp, and 2 unoffical FDCs from Ft Walton, Fl and Elgin AFB, 24 Nov 1970. The Elgin AFB FDC is autographed by Leroy Manor, Brig Gen USAF. Gneral Manor was in charge of the planning and executing of Operation Ivory Coast and Operation Kingpin. The air force's special operations in Vietnam to free US POWs held by the NVA at Son Tay 21 Nov 1970. Less than 5 covers were signed.Price: $200.00

Item #m667

Post WW2: APO 169, Germany, 1949. Welzlar Military Post.Price: $25.00

Item #m760

LtCol John Bolt, USMC autograph, Blacksheep Sqd. LtCol John Bolt, USMC autograph on Eddie Rickenbacker FDC. He was Marine Corp fighter pilot in WW2 and Korea, An Ace with 12 kills. He was also a member of Boyington's Black Sheep Squadron.Price: $35.00

Item #m777
Covers :: Military :: 19th Century
1865 U.S. Christian Commission, Washington DC to Atkinson Mills, Pa w/Letter. Letter written by Capt. of the 102nd Tenn. Volunteers to a soldier's wife explaining his wounds and death.Price: $75.00

Item #m6953
Covers :: Military :: Confederate States
Civil War: Confederate States: Georgetown, SC to Gen Hartlee, Mars Bluff, SC 1862. Scott #4 stone 3, 4 margin copy.Price: $700.00

Item #m4465

Knoxville to Chattanooga, TN 1863 fm Lt General Leonidas Polk (Fighting Bishop). Leonidas Polk was a Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, Classmate of Jefferson Davis at West Point. He was called the "Fighting Bishop". Cover was captured at the Battle of Chattanooga.Price: $300.00

Item #m5504

186x Richmond to Ayletts, Va Confederate Folded Letter w/Sc #4. Portion of the letter has been cut off. Cats $400.00.Price: $250.00

Item #m6948
Covers :: Military :: Foreign
WW2: Germany Occupation of Poland, 1939 Travel Pass.Price: $25.00

Item #19889

Czech Legions in France, 1940- French Feldpost, Soldiers Mail to Paris, 1st Inf Reg, 2nd Company.Price: $60.00

Item #32201

British APO Pretoria, South Africa to Wakefield, England 1902.Price: $20.00

Item #37493

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