Covers :: United States Postal History :: Possessions |
 | Cristobal, Canal Zone to Hamburg, Germany 1939 Hamburg-Amerika Line Envelope. | Price: $25.00
Item #27611 |
 | Manila, Philippines to Wein, German Territory 8 Apr 1941 via Clipper. 2 Ocean Clipper Mail. Addressed to Albert Israel Kins. | Price: $250.00
Item #27659 |
 | Hawaii: Sc #28 on a 1863 Lady's Cover to Oahu Collecge, Punahou ex Coan Correspondance, ex Goldberg. | Price: $1,500.00
Item #34997 |
 | Culebra, Canal ZOne to Pittsfield, NH 190x. | Price: $6.00
Item #36705 |
 | Manila, Philippines to San Francisco, Ca 1935 Pacific Clipper Flight. backstamped San Francisco. | Price: $35.00
Item #38000 |
 | Manila, Philippines to San Francisco, Ca 1935 Pacific Clipper Flight. backstamped San Francisco. | Price: $35.00
Item #38002 |
 | Manila, Philippines to San Francisco, Ca 1935 Pacific Clipper Flight. backstamped San Francisco. | Price: $35.00
Item #38003 |
 | Hawaii: Mint Postal Card Sc #UY3. | Price: $400.00
Item #39289 |
 | Ryukyu Island: 1956 Arbor Day FDC, cacheted, Unaddressed. | Price: $25.00
Item #40343 |
 | Manila, Philippines to Hong Kong 1937 !st Clipper Flight. | Price: $15.00
Item #40382 |
 | Davao, Philippines to Boston, Ma 1933. | Price: $5.00
Item #40383 |
 | Manila, Philippines to Murfreebere, Tn 1923. | Price: $2.00
Item #40387 |
 | Manila, Philippines to Hollywood, Ca 1935 1st Flight China Clipper Registered. back stamped San Francisco & Los Angeles. | Price: $35.00
Item #40423 |
 | Ryukyus Island: Mint Aerogram Sc #UC3. | Price: $12.00
Item #41473 |
 | Guam Guard Mail: Piti to Agana 1930 FDC (scarce) Guam Sc #1 pair. | Price: $600.00
Item #47288 |
 | Guam Guard Mail: Agana, Guam to Westerfield, Ct 1930 signed by Willis Brady (Governor & Postmaster). Sc # M5 & M6. | Price: $250.00
Item #47301 |
 | Guam Guard Mail: Agana, Guam 1930 Specimen Envelope w/Stamps. | Price: $600.00
Item #47302 |
 | Guam Guard Mail: Agana to Agat, Guam 1930. | Price: $125.00
Item #47309 |
 | Guam Guard Mail: Asan to Agana, Guam 1930. | Price: $75.00
Item #47310 |
 | Guam Guard Mail: Piti to Agana, Guam 1930. | Price: $75.00
Item #47312 |