Hounslow, GB to British POW at Stalag IVB in Mulhberg, Germany 1943.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5288
Glasgow, Scotland to British POW at Oflag VIIIF in Mahrisch-Trubau, Bohemia 1944.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5290
Southampton, GB to British POW to Italian Camp 1943 fwd to Stalag IXC.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5292
Merthyr, Wales to British POW at Stalag XVIIIA in Woldsberg, Austria 1943.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5295
London, GB to Polish Officer at Oflag XA in Itzehoe, Germany 1942.
Price: $75.00
Item #c5296
Dyce, Scotland to British POW at Stalag XXB in Recklingshausen, Germany 1942. Unreported Stalag XXB censor handstamp.
Price: $150.00
Item #c5297
Sheffield, GB to British POW at Stalag XIA in Altengrabow, Germany 1944.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5302
Nottingham, GB to British POW at Stalag XVIIA in Kaisersteinbruch, Austria 1944.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5303
Ware, GB to British POW at Stalag XIA in Altengrabow, Germany 1944.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5305
Belfast, Northern Irelannd to British POW at Stalag IVG in Saxony 1944 fwd Stalag IIID in Kreuzberg.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5306
Dunmow, GB to British POW at Stalag IVG, Saxony 1944. Stalag IVG was a series of work camps scattered though out Saxony.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5307
Maidenhead, GB to British Naval POW at Marlog und Milag Nord, Marlog O 1944.
Price: $75.00
Item #c5308
Eastergate, GB to British Naval POW at Marlag und Milag Nord, Marlag O 1944.
Price: $75.00
Item #c5309
Bromley, GB to British POW at Stalag XXB in Marienburg, Danzig 1944 Unrecored Censor H/S.
Price: $100.00
Item #c5311
Glasgow, Scotland to British POW at Oflag 79 in Querum, Germany 1944.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5312
Manchester, GB to British POW at Stalag XIB in Fallingbostel, Germany 1944. A.R.B.-K.D.O. 7005 was a work camp located at Salzgitter, 75 miles south of Stalag XIB. POWs there were cutting trees, building a dam and repairing the road.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5313
Chester-le-Street, GB to British POW at Stalag IVB in Muhlberg, Germany 1944.
Price: $50.00
Item #c5314
London, GB to Channel Island Civilian at Ilag V-Z in Wurzach, Wurttemborg 1944.
Price: $75.00
Item #c5315
Altringham, GB to British POW at Stalag IVC in Wistritz, Sudetenland 1944 Unrecorded censor hand stamp.
Price: $100.00
Item #c5318
Hounslow, GB to British POW at Stalag VIIA in Moosburg, Germany 1945.