WW2: Alaska Hwy Contractor, Dowell, Construction Co, White Horse, Yukon to Seattle, Wa 1943.
Price: $20.00
Item #m5039
WW2: Alaska Hwy Contractor, Dowell, Construction Co, White Horse, Yukon to Seattle, Wa 1943.
Price: $20.00
Item #m5040
APO 565, Base G, Hollandia, New Guinea to Tillsen, NY 1945.
Price: $20.00
Item #m5041
APO 323, Hollandia, New Guinea to Quakertown, Pa 1944 w/letter.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5042
APO 159, Sansapor New Guinea to Bronxville, Ny 1944.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5043
APO 38, Oro Bay New Guinea to Milwaukie, Or 1944.
Price: $5.00
Item #m5044
APO 565, Base G, Hollandia New Guinea to Brooklyn, NY 1944.
Price: $5.00
Item #m5045
APO 711, Oro Bay, New Guinea to Lancaster, Pa 1943.
Price: $6.00
Item #m5046
WW2: APO 724, Seattle, Dawson Creek, Alaska Highway to Baltimore, MD 1943 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5048
WW2: APO 724, Seattle, Dawson Creek, Alaska Highway to Baltimore, MD 1943 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5049
WW2: APO 724, Seattle, Dawson Creek, Alaska Highway to Baltimore, MD 1943 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5052
Governor General of Australia to APO 301, HQ I-Corps U.S. Army Hollandia, New guinea. posted from Sydney, Australia.
Price: $30.00
Item #m5053
WW2: APO 724, Seattle, Dawson Creek, Alaska Highway to Baltimore, MD 1943 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5054
WW2: APO 724, Seattle, Dawson Creek, Alaska Highway to Baltimore, MD 1943 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5056
WW2: APO 724, Seattle, Dawson Creek, Alaska Highway to Baltimore, MD 1943 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5057
WW2: APO 724, Seattle, Dawson Creek, Alaska Highway to Baltimore, MD 1943 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5058
WW2: APO 264, Palau Island to Wichita Falls, TX 1945 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $30.00
Item #m5087
WW2: APO 244, Saipan to San Francisco, Ca 1945 Illustrated V-Mail "Last V-Mail to Leave Saipan".
Price: $35.00
Item #m5088
WW2: APO 265, Palau to Fort Wayne, IN 1945 Airmail, Postage Dues.
Price: $40.00
Item #m5089
WW2: APO 244, Saipan to Oaklanad, Ca 1945 Airmail, Cesnored.
Price: $12.00
Item #m5090
WW2: APO 244, Saipan to Glendale, Ca 1945 Airmail, Censored.
Price: $12.00
Item #m5093
WW2: APO 980, Adak , Alaska Contractor to Ketchikan, AK 1944 Airmail.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5120
WW2: APO 980 Unit2, Adak , Alaska Contractor to Ketchikan, AK 1945 Airmail.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5121
WW2: APO 980, Adak , Alaska Contractor to Ketchikan, AK 1944 Airmail.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5123
WW2: APO 980, Adak , Alaska Contractor to Ketchikan, AK 1944 Airmail.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5124
WW2: APO 980, Adak , Alaska Contractor to Ketchikan, AK 1944 3c Prexie.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5125
Military:WW2: German POW in France by US. A free posted 1945 POW letter sheet from a German POW in France. US civil censor handstamp (Reimer A-16)(Extremely rare). This censor handstamp was later used in Munich after the war. Very rare and early usage on a POW letter.
Price: $250.00
Item #m522
Military:WW2: APO 298, Registered.
Price: $20.00
Item #m547
Fort Eustis, Va to Minneapolis, MN 1944 Airamil Special Delivery w/Letter.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5502
Fort Eustis, Va to Minneapolis, MN 1944 Airamil Special Delivery w/Letter. back stamped Minneapolis.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5503
WW2: APO 8717, New York, NY to New York City, NY 1943 Self-Censored.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5517
WW2: APO 962, Lihue, Hawaii to Schenectady, NY 1942 Manual Theatre Censor.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5518
WW2: APO 922, Townsville, Australia to APO 923 194x Theater Censor Hand Stamps.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5522
APO 868, Trinidad to Chicago, IL 1942 Airmail. Unusual censor. #10 envelope.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5541
APO 500, Public Relations, Japan to Detroit News, Detroit, Mi 1944 Circle "Passed by GHQ Military Censor". #10 envelope.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5542
APO 971, Shanghai, China to New York, NY 1946 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5542
APO 1160, Chunking, China to Washington DC 1946 Airmail w/letter.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5543
APO 557, France to Army War Bond Office, Chicago, IL 1945 Airmail Unusual Censor. #10 envelope.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5543
APO APO 78 to Army War Bond Office, Chicago, IL 1945 Airmail solo 4c Prexie. #10 envelope. backstamped Chicago.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5547
APO121 to Army War Bond Office, Chicago, IL 1945 Registered Airmail 10c PRexies x 3 & 2c UN for Victory. #10 envelope. backstamped Chicago & APO 121.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5548
APO121 to Army War Bond Office, Chicago, IL 1945 Registered Airmail 10c PRexies x 3 & 2c UN for Victory. #10 envelope. backstamped Chicago & APO 121.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5549
APO 344, Mariana Island to Columbus, OH 1945. fm 4th Aircraft Repair Unit.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5558
APO 523, Teheran, Iran to Indianapolis, IN 1944 Airmail. #10 envelope.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5559
APO 722, Edmonton, Alberta to Syracuse, NY 1944 Airmail. #10.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5560
APO 45, Naples, Italy to Nashua, NH 1944 fwd. #10 envelope.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5561
APO 857, Georgetown, British Guiana to Bronx, NY 1945 AIrmail. back stamped Fordam, Station, NY.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5564
APO 210, Composite Chinese-American Wing to Dubuque, IA 1944. 317th Fighter Control Sqdn.
Price: $30.00
Item #m5566
APO 181, Japan to Columbus, OH 1946 AIrmail.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5567
APO 1136, Germany to Cleveland, OH 1945 Airmail Postage Dues.
Price: $15.00
Item #m5568
APO 485, Kabat, Egypt to Pittsburgh, Pa 1943 Airmail.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5570
APO 523, Teheran, Iran to Vista, Ca 1944 Airmail.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5580
APO 523, Teheran, Iran to Baltimore, MD 1944 Airmail.
Price: $10.00
Item #m5581
APO 211, Chengkumg, China to Columbus, OH 1945.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5586
APO 231, Germany to New York, NY 1947 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5587
APO 240,Funayuti, Ellice, Island to Batavia, NY 1943 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5588
APO 240,Funayuti, Ellice, Island to Batavia, NY 1943 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5589
APO 240, Tarawa, Gilbert Island to APO 953, San Francisco 1944 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5590
APO 264, Anquor, Palau to APO 322 27th Depot 1945 Inter-Island mail.
Price: $30.00
Item #m5591
APO 265, 3928th Sig Det, Palau to Columbus, OH 1945 Airmail.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5592
APO 265, 111th Inf, Palau to Bloomington IN 1945 Airmail.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5593
APO 265, 111th Inf, Palau to Honolulu, Hi 1945.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5594
APO 265, 111th Inf, Palau to Pottstown, Pa 1945 Airmail.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5595
APO 877, Ascension Island to Springfield, OH 1943 Airmail Army Base Censor Tape.
Price: $40.00
Item #m5598
APO 831, France Field, Canal Zone to Conneant, OH 1943.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5599
APO 830, Canal Zone to Middletown, NY 1944.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5600
APO 88 (Italy) to China 1946 Airmail 70c Rate.
Price: $75.00
Item #m5601
APO 1093, Basra, Iraq to East Boston, Ma 1942.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5604
APO 816, Bahrain to Bloomington, IL 1945 Airmail.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5605
APO 815, Eritrea to Columbus, OH 1948 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5607
APO 662, Seymour Island, Galapagos, Ecudor to New York, NY 1944 Airmail.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5608
Military:WW2: APO 321, 69th Ftr Sq, New Guinea. Saidor, New Guinea.
Price: $10.00
Item #m560A
APO 180, Okinawa, Ryukyus Islands to Columbus, OH 1945 Airmail.
Price: $30.00
Item #m5611
APO 230, Germany to Newark, NJ 1944 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5612
R.A.A.F. Roswell, NM to Pontiac, Mi 1943 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5613
APO 811, Dakota Field, Aruba to University City, Mo 1943 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5629
24th B.P.O., Frankfurt, Germany to Chicago, IL 1945 Airmail.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5630
APO 577, Germany to Columbus, Oh 1945 w/Letter.
Price: $25.00
Item #m5634
APO 81, Palau to Cupertino, Ca 1944 Airmail.
Price: $35.00
Item #m5635
APO 81, 323rd Inf, Palau to Philadelphia, Pa 1944 Airmail.
Price: $35.00
Item #m5636
APO 81, 316th F.A., Palau to Bradenton, FL 1945 Airmail.
Price: $35.00
Item #m5637
APO 86, Iwo Jima to APO 464, APO New York, NY 1945 Airmail.
Price: $30.00
Item #m5640
APO 1160, Chungking, China to Washington DC 1945 Airmail w/letter.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5643
APO 915, Christmas Island to Rayville, LA 1942 Airmail.
Price: $50.00
Item #m5644
APO 919, Bora Bora, French Polynesia to Sidney, OH 1942.