DK Enterprise


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Covers :: Military :: WWII :: Army/Air Force
APO 610, Keflavik, Iceland to Forest Hills, NY 1944 Censored.Price: $25.00

Item #m3219

WW2: APO 403, Heidelburg, GY to Washington DC 1947 Post Office Officially sealed. #10.Price: $25.00

Item #m3228

WW2: APO 436, Czechoslovakia to Newton, KS 1945 w/Letter.Price: $25.00

Item #m3230

APO 914, Canton Island, to New York, NY 1943.Price: $40.00

Item #m3234

APO 810, Iceland to Detroit, Mi 1942, Registered. 3c For Defense, 15c Prexie. Backstamped APO 810 & New York.Price: $40.00

Item #m3236

APO 914, Canton Island to Superior, Wis 1943 Censored. Trimmed on right side.Price: $20.00

Item #m3271

3515th AAF Base Unit, Cambridge to Dorchester, Ma 1944 Special Delivery. backstamped Boston.Price: $20.00

Item #m3273

APO 718, 1314th Engr Const Batt, Western Samoa to Willsville, NY 1945 Censored.Price: $40.00

Item #m3276

APO 239-1 371st Bomb Sqd, Kadena AB, Ryukyus Island to Los Angeles, 194x.Price: $25.00

Item #m3277

52nd C.A. (RY), Fort Hancock, NJ to New York City, NY 1942 Special Delivery. backstamped New York.Price: $25.00

Item #m3278

Gunnery SChool, Laredo to San Antonio, TX 1944 Special Delivery. backstamped San Antonio.Price: $25.00

Item #m3279

Camp Reynolds, Pa to Kingston, NY 1944 Special Delivery. backstamped Kingston.Price: $25.00

Item #m3280

APO 4726 72nd Ord Batt to New York City, NY 1943 Censored Special Delivery. backstamped New York.Price: $25.00

Item #m3281

APO 914 Canton Island to Superior, Wis 1943 Censored.Price: $25.00

Item #m3283

APO 339, 9th Army Germany to Berkley, Ca 1945 w/Letter Sc #UC4 wmk 39. From LtCol Miller Holland to his wife.Price: $60.00

Item #m3292

WW2: New Dephi, India to New York, War Correspondence fm Leland Stowe. Leand Stowe was a war Correspondence and Pulitzer Price winning author during WW2. Unusual censor.Price: $100.00

Item #m3314

APO 914 (Canton Island) to Brooklyn, NY 1943.Price: $25.00

Item #m3319

APO 606, Miami, FL (Gold Coast) to Little Rock, Ar, 1943 censored.Price: $10.00

Item #m3324

APO 948 Seattle, Wa (Umnak Island, AK) to Portland, Or 1943 censored.Price: $4.00

Item #m3325

APO 528 (Naples, Italy) to 2nd Bomb GP, APO 520 1945.Price: $5.00

Item #m3330

APO 234 (20th Air Force, Saipan) to Burbank, Ca 1946.Price: $7.50

Item #m3337

APO 616 to Richmond, Va 1942 Christmas V-Mail from the Middle East.Price: $25.00

Item #m3345

WW2: Camp Forrest, TN to Lewisburg, Pa Prison 1943 censored.Price: $25.00

Item #m3351

APO 914, Canton Island to APO 253 1942 Airmail Censored.Price: $50.00

Item #m3385

APO 557, 364th Fighter Group to Alliance, Nebr 1945 Censored. The write, Lt Col Lowell was a ACE with 8 kills.Price: $75.00

Item #m3386

Medical Det, Camp Cooke, Calif to San Francisco, Ca 1944 Special Delivery.Price: $25.00

Item #m3388

APO 914, Canton Island to Seattle, Wa 1942 Patriotic.Price: $25.00

Item #m3392

APO 655 to Tacoma, Wa 1945 Airmail Postage Dues.Price: $25.00

Item #m3393

APO 633, Germany to Madison, Wis 194x Registered Parcel Piece w/4c, 10c, 50c & $1 Prexies.Price: $25.00

Item #m3394

Army Nurses Corp, Camp Campbell, KY to Oberlin, OH 1943.Price: $10.00

Item #m3404

Hoff General Hospital, Santa Barbara, Ca to Abilene, TX 1944 War Ballot Request.Price: $5.00

Item #m3418

Saaab Medical Hospital, Santa Ana, Ca to Austin, TX 1944 War Ballot Request.Price: $5.00

Item #m3419

Military:WW2: Italian POW Fort Wadsworth, NY. A free posting from the HQ of the Italian Service unit at Fort Wadsworth, NY. These service units were made up of Italian POWs.Price: $19.95

Item #m351

Military:WW2: Italian POW cvr, Fort Eustis, Va. A 1944 POW cover to the Red Cross, from the 145th Italian QM Service Company at Fort Eustis, Virginia.Price: $19.95

Item #m356

APO 662, Galapagas Island, to Baltimore, MD 1944.Price: $50.00

Item #m4312

APO 915, CHristmas Island, to Clifton, NJ 1942.Price: $40.00

Item #m4318

APO 662, Galapagas Island, to Baltimore, MD 1944.Price: $50.00

Item #m4319

APO 443 (Germany) to Bremerton, Wa 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4321

APO 583 (France) to Saginaw, MI 1945 Registered. backstamped APO 583, 7 BPO, & Saginaw.Price: $25.00

Item #m4322

APO 557 (England) to Oakland, Ca 1944 Registered. backstamped APO 546, 7BPO, Miami, & Oakland.Price: $25.00

Item #m4323

APO 443 (Germany) to Bremerton, Wa 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4324

APO 102 (Germany) to Ames, IA 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4325

APO 149 (England) to Cleveland, OH 1944 Special Delivery. backstamped Cleveland.Price: $25.00

Item #m4326

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4340

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4341

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4342

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4343

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4344

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4345

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4346

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4347

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4348

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4349

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4350

WW2: APO 139 (Germany) to Glenbrook, CT 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4351

WW2: APO 147 (Germany) to Glenbrook, CT 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4352

WW2: APO 124 (Germany) to Winston-Salem, NC 1945.Price: $25.00

Item #m4353

400 Bomb Sqd, Australia to Elyria, OH 1944 Censored.Price: $6.00

Item #m4357

WW2: APO 180 (Okinawa) to Ecorse, MI 1944.Price: $30.00

Item #m4357

WW2: APO 184 (L.A. Unit 9) to Bronx, NY 1942 See Remarks. Cover is postmarked "Los Angeles, Ca Unit 9" . This was the secret postmark for the Desert Excercises in the L.A. Area. Very earlt postmark.Price: $25.00

Item #m4359

298 Engineer Battalion 1944 Christmas/New Year Card.Price: $5.00

Item #m4360

APO 627, Y-Force HQ, Kuming, China to Eureka, MO 1944 Censored.Price: $15.00

Item #m4361

APO 32, (Australia) to Ontarion Airbase, Calif 1943, Censored, 25c & 50c Prexie. Parcel Wrapper.Price: $100.00

Item #m4365

WW2: Army Exchange Service Christmas Gift Certificate. #10.Price: $5.00

Item #m4382

WW2: APO 505 to Seattle, Wa 1943 Blue Honor Envelope.Price: $10.00

Item #m4405

WW2: APO 587 to Seattle, Wa 1944 Blue Honor Envelope.Price: $10.00

Item #m4407

WW2: Presque Island Airfield, MA to Washington DC 1945 w/Letter Head letter.Price: $15.00

Item #m4408

Fort McClellan, AL to PMB 11469 Lewisburg, Pa 1942 Censored. The adressee is interned at the Federal Prison in Lewisburg, Pa.Price: $15.00

Item #m4409

WW2: APO 944, Coldbay, to Ketchikan, Alaska 1943.Price: $15.00

Item #m4410

WW2: APO 21, 45th Veterinary Co to Ames, IA 1944. 45th Veterinary Co took care of the carrier pigeons used in European Theater.Price: $15.00

Item #m4412

WW2: APO 462, Whitehorse, Yukon to Tyro, KS 1944.Price: $20.00

Item #m4415

WW2: APO 181, Desert Training area, San Bernardino, Ca to Uthaca, NY 1943.Price: $15.00

Item #m4425

WW2: APO 185, Desert Training Area, Needles, Ca to New York, NY 1944.Price: $15.00

Item #m4426

WW2: APO 517, Claims Team, Nancy, France to Lynchburg, Va 1945.Price: $10.00

Item #m4434

APO 448, Burma Road Engineers to NOrman, OK 1945. postmarked in Kuming, China.Price: $40.00

Item #m4469

APO 702, Whitehorse, Yukon to Bloomfield, NJ 1943.Price: $10.00

Item #m4477

APO 987, Whittier to Ketchikan, Alaska 1944.Price: $15.00

Item #m4480

APO 975, Naknek to Ketchikan, Alaska 1943.Price: $5.00

Item #m4481

APO 943, Yukatat, Alaska to Chicago, IL 1942.Price: $10.00

Item #m4488

APO 975, Naknet, Alaska to Buffalo, NY 1942 Prvisional censor.Price: $15.00

Item #m4489

APO 455, Sand Island, Hawaii to Rosemounth, MN 1944 w/letter.Price: $5.00

Item #m4490

APO 726, 77th Bomb Sqd, Alaska to Lewisburg, Pa 1945 This Address is the Federal Prison.Price: $10.00

Item #m4493

APO 948, Fort Glenn, Unmak, Alaska to Buffalo, NY 1943.Price: $7.00

Item #m4498

San Juan, Puerto Rico to Muscatine, Iowa 1942 Theater & Sector Censors.Price: $10.00

Item #m4764

Lowry Field, Denver, CO to Detroit, Mi 1945 Special Delivery. backstamped Detroit.Price: $10.00

Item #m4774

Lowry Field, Denver, CO to Detroit, Mi 1945 Special Delivery. backstamped Detroit.Price: $10.00

Item #m4775

APO 464, 101st Military Police Batt, Italy to 134th A.A.F., Oscoda, MI 1945.Price: $10.00

Item #m4792

WW2: 731st MP Bn, Fort Wadsworth, New York to Federal Prison, Lewisburg, Pa 1942 Prison censor.Price: $15.00

Item #m4804

WW2: APO 124A, Off. of Chief Council for Nuremberg War Crimes Trials to Lockport, NY 1946.Price: $50.00

Item #m4820

APO 940, Fort Ray, Sitka, Alaska to New London, WI 1942 Airmail Parcel Wrapper w/Pexies, Censored.Price: $10.00

Item #m4900

Port CLinton, OH to 17th Tank Battalion (PLUM) (Philippines) 1941 RTS Service Suspended w/Letter. PLUM was the code name for the Philippines Islands.Price: $125.00

Item #m4907

Military:WW2: German POW card, Camp Alva. A 1944 POW letter sheet from a German POW at Camp Alva, Oklahoma. New York POW censor handstamp.Price: $30.00

Item #m492

WW2: APO 40 (Hawaii) to Sacramento, Ca 1942 Safe Arrival/Address Change Card.Price: $5.00

Item #m4956

WW2: APO 707 (Manila), R.A.Cromie, War Correspondent, to Chicago Tribune, 1945 Airmail, Censored. back stamped Chicago Tribune.Price: $5.00

Item #m4966

WW2: APO 755 (Berlin), Henry Wales, War Correspondent, to Chicago Tribune, 1946 Airmail. back stamped Chicago Tribune.Price: $10.00

Item #m4969

WW2: APO 755 (Berlin), Henry Wales, War Correspondent, to Chicago Tribune, 1946 Airmail. back stamped Chicago Tribune.Price: $10.00

Item #m4970

WW2: APO 755 (Berlin), Henry Wales, War Correspondent, to Chicago Tribune, 1946 Airmail w/Prexies. back stamped Chicago Tribune.Price: $10.00

Item #m4971

WW2: 7PRS (Iran), Hal Foust, War Correspondent to Chicago Tribune 1945 Airmail, British Censor. back stamped Chicago Tribune.Price: $10.00

Item #m4978

WW2: APO 886 (Karachi, India) to Urbana, IL 1943 Dual Censored.Price: $10.00

Item #m4980

WW2: APO 184 (Guam) to Glendale, Ca 1945, Airmail.Price: $10.00

Item #m4986

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