DK Enterprise


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Covers :: Military :: WWI :: Marine Corp
WW1:USMC: APO 716, 74th Co, 6th Regt, US Marines, 1918 to Illinois.Price: $20.00

Item #n1260

WW1: Co C, 10th Seperation Batt, Quantico, Va, 1918.Price: $20.00

Item #n2632

WW1: APO 713, U.S. Marines AEF to Minneapolis, MN 1919.Price: $35.00

Item #n6579

US Marine, AEF France to Walla Walla, Wa 1919 w/letter.Price: $35.00

Item #n8260
Covers :: Military :: WWI :: Navy
RPPC:Naval: A Sailors Prayer, 1918 censored PPC. A 1918 real photo postcard of a Sairor sleeping with the Sailor's Prayer below, affixed with 2 1c Washington booklet singles postmarked Maire Island Naval Shipyard with purple single line "Passed by Censor" handstamp.Price: $25.00

Item #a2798

WW1: Naval Air Station Porto Cousini, Italy to Portland, Or 1918.Price: $75.00

Item #e0138

WW1: Naval Air SZtation, Port Cosini, Italy to Portland, Or, Censored.Price: $75.00

Item #e0138

Naval:WW1: Mute cancel w/ early 1917 censor. Front only.Price: $5.00

Item #h205

Naval:WW1: Mute cancel w/ early 1917 censor. Front only.Price: $5.00

Item #h206

Naval:WW1: 1918 Manuscript censored cover. A 3c rate cover to Seattle, Wa with a 1918 US Navy cds, manuscript "Passed by Censor" and the censoring offical scratched out the name of the ship.Price: $25.00

Item #h223

Naval:WW1: 4 line mute cancel and censor. A black 4 line mute cancellation and "Passed by Censor" handstamp on a cover to Bremerton, Wash.Price: $15.00

Item #h225

Naval:WW1: US Naval Forces, 1918. A 3c Washington affixed to a cover to Washington DC in 1918. Postmarked New York, NY. US Naval Forces Europe Censored handstamp.Price: $20.00

Item #h238

Naval:WW1: 1918, US Naval Forces, Europe. A free cover with a US Navy 1918 cds and a double straight line Censored ....., US Naval Forces, Europe handstamp in purple.Price: $20.00

Item #h246

Naval:WW1: 1918, US Naval Forces, Europe. A uncancelled cover with a double straight line US Naval Forces, Europe handstamp in purple.Price: $20.00

Item #h248

Naval:WW1: USN Hospital #2, Scotland. A uncancelled cover with a triple straight line Censored H2, US Naval Forces, Europe handstamp in purple from the US Naval Hospital No 2 in Strathpeffer, Scotland.Price: $35.00

Item #h250

Naval:WW1: US Naval Forces, Europe. A GB 1p affixed to a cover with a 8 line circular cancellation with a double straight line Censored LE1C, US Naval Forces, Europe handstamp in purple.Price: $25.00

Item #h251

WW1: USS Florida to Apple Hill, Ontario Canada 1918 censored. backstamped Apple Hill.Price: $35.00

Item #h256

Naval:WW1: US Naval Forces, Scotland. An uncelled postcard of Scotland with a straight line Censored ...., U S Naval Forces Europe handstamp in purple. The writer states he's leaving the cold here and leaving for Italy.Price: $20.00

Item #h258

Naval:WW1: US Navy, 1918, NSY Bremerton. A 1c/2c Washington affixed to a cover from Puget Sound NSY, Bremerton. Postmarked onboard USS Receiving ship at Puget Sound, Bremerton, Wa in 1918. Small purple boxed Passed by Censor.Price: $35.00

Item #h273

Naval:WW1: US Naval Air Sta, Pauillac, France. A cover from the US Naval Aviation Station, Pauillac, France in 1918. AEF Censor and postmark. Letter enclosed.Price: $60.00

Item #h275

Naval:WW1: US Naval Air Station Europe, 1918. A cover from a sailor at the US NAval Air Station in France. Postmarked US Army Postal service Aug 9, 1918. Faint Double ring anchor Passed by Censor USN handstamp.Price: $20.00

Item #h280

U.S. Navy 2 Sep 1918 to Buchanan, Mi Straight Line "Passed by Censor".Price: $15.00

Item #h310

WW1:Navy: Great Lakes, Ill Receiving Ship Machine Canx, 1918, YMCA Envelope.Price: $15.00

Item #m1578

WW1: US Navy Base, Europe to North Rose, NY 19xx Censored.Price: $15.00

Item #m3421

WW1: U.S. Naval Air Service, Pauillace, France to Chicago, IL 1919 w/Letter.Price: $30.00

Item #m4838

WW1: APO 748, Chaplin 39th Inf to Russelville, Ark 1919.Price: $15.00

Item #m4884

WW1: US Naval Postmark, 1918 on a Glascow, Scotland Postcard.Price: $10.00

Item #n1240

WW1: US Naval Hospital, Canaco, Philippines, 1929, RPPC.Price: $20.00

Item #n1245

WW1: U.S. Naval Forces in Europe to Washington DC, 1918.Price: $15.00

Item #n1246

WW1: Naval: USS New York BB-34 to Minneapolis, Minn, 1919.Price: $30.00

Item #n1289

WW1;Naval: USS Pittsburg CA-4 to San Francisco, Ca, 1918. USS Pittsburg Censor Handstamp.Price: $20.00

Item #n1316

USS Pittsburgh CA-4 to San Francisco, Ca 1918.Price: $20.00

Item #n1316

Naval:WW1: USS Arkansas BB-33, 1917, censored. A booklet pair of 2c Washingtons on a 1917 cover to Meridian, Miss from the USS Arkansas BB-33. Straight line black "Passed by Censor".Price: $35.00

Item #n192

Naval:WW1: USS Culgoa AF-3, 1918. Free posted cover with US Navy handstamp with manuscript 12/15/18 postmark on an UNCENSORED cover. The ship was in European water at the time of mailing.Price: $35.00

Item #n205

Naval: YMCA Well Done PC, Transpor N.Pacific to Portland, Or, 1919.Price: $20.00

Item #n2122

Naval:WW1: USS Kansas, BB-21, 1917, PPC. A 1c Washington affixed to a censored picture postcard from USS Kansas in 1917. Blue tripe line "Passed by Censor" and a black "Back the Boys in the Trench ...." handstamp.Price: $35.00

Item #n226

Naval:WW1: USS Louisiana BB-19, 1917. A 1c Washington affixed to a real photo postcard of the USS Louisiana, at sea with a double line blue "Passed by Censor Jul 15, 1917" handstamp.Price: $35.00

Item #n235

Naval:WW1: USS Missouri BB-11, 1917. 1c Washington affixed to a picture postcard with a large blue "PASSED BY CENSOR" handsamp.Price: $35.00

Item #n249

Naval:WW1: USS New Jersey BB-16, 1918. 3c Washington affixed to a cover with a single line blue "Passed by Censor" handstamp. Addressed to the Postmaster, Ottumwa, Iowa. Letter enclosed. Stained.Price: $25.00

Item #n256

Naval:WW1: USS Rhode Island BB-17,1917. A 2c Washington affixed to a cover with a red boxed "Passed by Censored" handstamp.Price: $35.00

Item #n281

Naval: USS Glacier AF-4 to Grants Pass, Or, 1918 Unreported Censor Handstamp.Price: $65.00

Item #n2844

Naval: USS Pittsburg CA-4 to Grants Pass, Or, 1918 Earliest Know Usage. EKU listed in Kimes as 5/14/18 This cover dated 1/10/18.Price: $65.00

Item #n2849

Naval:WW1: USS Siboney, Cargo ship, 1918. A free posted penalty envelope to Washington DC. No censor handstamp.Price: $15.00

Item #n288

WW1: Naval: USS New Hampshire BB-25 to Stockton, KS, 1918, Censored.Price: $50.00

Item #n2885

WW1: Naval: USS Pueblo CA-7 to Forest Grove, Or, 1917, Censored E.K.U. R-2 cancel. Kimes listed EKU as 13 Jun 1917, this card dated 6 Jun 1917.Price: $250.00

Item #n2898

WW1: Naval: USS Pueblo CA-7 to Buena Vista, Or, 1917, Red Boxed Censor, R-2 Cancel w/Letter.Price: $200.00

Item #n2900

WW1: Naval: USS Arkansas BB-33 to Woodridge, NJ, 1918, Censored. Ty 1z cancel (R-1).Price: $50.00

Item #n2903

WW1: Naval: USS Raleigh C-8 to Brooklyn, NY. 1918, Censored, Ty 1z canx (R-2).Price: $100.00

Item #n2906

Naval:WW1: USS Virginia, BB-17, 1917. 2 1c Washingtons affixed to a patriotic cover with a large double line "Passed by Censor" handstamp.Price: $35.00

Item #n298

USS Lake Daraga to Seattle, Wa 1919.Price: $40.00

Item #n2995

Naval: USS Von Stueben TT-3017 to Roy, Wa 1919 R-2 canx. The PC is in sad shape.Price: $50.00

Item #n2996

Naval: USS Hannibal AG-1 to Mt Carmel, Ct, 1918.Price: $35.00

Item #n3002

USS Chicago IX-5 to Washington DC, 1919. Censored, R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n3034

Naval:WW1: US Navy, Pass by Censor, 1918. A 2c Washington affixed to a picture postcard of a Navy shipboard messing area. Red "Passed by Censor" and US Navy handstamp. Ship's name is unknown.Price: $15.00

Item #n310

WW1: USS Rhode Island BB-17 to Chicago, Ill, 1971 Censored.Price: $35.00

Item #n3827

WW1: USS Rhode Island BB-17 to Chicago, Ill, 1917, censored.Price: $25.00

Item #n4151

WW1: USS Pueblo ACR-7 to Cleveland, Oh w/Ltr, 1918, censored.Price: $40.00

Item #n4153

USS Kearsarge BB-5 to Reading, Penna, 1918.Price: $80.00

Item #n4193

USS Indiana BB-1 to Toledo, Ohio, 1917 Manuscript Censor.Price: $50.00

Item #n4194

USS Kentucky BB-6 to Celina, Ohio 1918 Double Line Censor.Price: $82.00

Item #n4201

USS Ilinois BB-7 to Penna, 1918 Self Censored Manuscript,. Se;f censored by CO Capt Barker.Price: $80.00

Item #n4205

USS Wisconsin BB-9 to Kewauee, Ill, 1917 Double Line Censor,.Price: $30.00

Item #n4209

USS Maine B-10 to New York, 1918 Single Line Censor,.Price: $40.00

Item #n4211

USS Ohio BB-12 to Annapolis, MD, 1918 Censored.Price: $40.00

Item #n4215

USS Virginia BB-13 to Hyde Park, Ma, 1917 Censored. Mailed at Penna Terminal, NY.Price: $20.00

Item #n4217

USS Nebraska BB-14 to Orleans, Ind, 1917 Censored.Price: $50.00

Item #n4219

USS Georgia BB-15 to Sudbury, Ma, 1918 Censored. Letter enclosed. Censor mark unlisted in Kimes.Price: $50.00

Item #n4222

USS Georgia BB-15 to Southport, NC, 1918 Censored. Censor mark unlisted in Kimes.Price: $50.00

Item #n4223

USS Connecticut BB-18 to Washington DC, 1918 Censored. #10 envelope.Price: $40.00

Item #n4229

USS Vermont BB-20 to New York, NY 1917 Censored.Price: $40.00

Item #n4232

USS Vermont BB-20 to Palmyra, NY 1918 Censored.Price: $50.00

Item #n4233

USS Minnesota BB-22 to Boston, Ma 1917 Censored.Price: $40.00

Item #n4238

USS South Carolina BB-26 to Los Angeles, Ca 1918 Censored. R-1 canx. Letter enclosed. Talks about future ship movements.Price: $50.00

Item #n4246

USS South Carolina BB-26 to Richmondville, NY 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4247

USS Delaware BB-28 to Everitt, Ma, 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4255

USS Delaware BB-28 to Blanchard, ID, 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4256

USS Delaware BB-28 to Middleboro, Ma, 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4257

USS Delaware BB-28 to LaPort, TX, 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4258

USS Delaware BB-28 to Fort Myer, VA, 1917 Censored. USMC censor, Not listed in Kimes.Price: $50.00

Item #n4260

USS Florida BB-30 to Shelbyville, IN, 1918, Censored. R-1 canx. Christmas card enclosed.Price: $50.00

Item #n4266

USS Wyoming BB-32 to Oklahoma City, OK 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4273

USS New York BB-34 to Galt, Iowa, 1918 Censored, Postage Due Paid.Price: $60.00

Item #n4282

USS New York BB-34 to USS Iowa, fwd Brooklyn, NY, 1918 Censored after Armistice Day.Price: $50.00

Item #n4284

USS Texas BB-35 to Chicago, Ill, 1918 Censored. Unlisted in Kimes.Price: $60.00

Item #n4285

USS Nevada BB-36 to Carthage, MO 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4288

USS Oklahoma BB-37 to New York, NY 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4291

USS Oklahoma BB-37 to Washington DC 1918 Censored. R-1 canx. #10 envelope.Price: $60.00

Item #n4292

USS Pennsylvania BB-38 to Springfield, Ma, 1917 Censored.Price: $40.00

Item #n4293

USS Pennsylvania BB-38 to West Chester, Pa, 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $60.00

Item #n4295

USS Pennsylvania BB-38 to Philadelphia, Pa, 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4296

USS Pennsylvania BB-38 to Washington DC, 1918 Censored. R-1 canx. #10 envelope.Price: $40.00

Item #n4297

USS Pennsylvania BB-38 to Washington DC, 1918 Censored. R-1 canx. #10 envelope.Price: $60.00

Item #n4298

USS Mississippi BB-41 to Washington DC 1918 Censored. R-1 canx.Price: $50.00

Item #n4302

USS Eagle #3, Naval Forces Europe to Twin Bridges, MT 1919. PPC of Sir Frances Drake Bowling Green, Plymouth hOe.Price: $50.00

Item #n4373

USS Buffalo AD-8, Ponta Delgada, Azores to Kingston, Pa 1919 w/letter.Price: $200.00

Item #n4375

JWB Card: S.S. Maui to Penna 1918.Price: $30.00

Item #n4427

USS Kaiserina Auguste Victoria to Lynchburg, Va 1919.Price: $200.00

Item #n4789

USS Kroonland to Youngstown, OH 1919.Price: $50.00

Item #n4790

USS Matsonia TT-1589 to Biddeford, Me 1919.Price: $25.00

Item #n4795

USS Mercury TT-3012 to New York1919.Price: $60.00

Item #n4797

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