DK Enterprise


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Covers :: Military :: WWI
WW1: Internment Station, Hot Springs, NC to New York City, 1918. Special Delivery,. No return address or censor marking. I'm unable to tell if this was from an Internee or a U.S. citizen. Either way, special delivery out of the camp is rare.Price: $300.00

Item #c1748

WW1: Birmingham, Al to German Internee, Fort Douglas, Utah 1918 Censored. Embossed censor "Examined and Passed D., U.S.A.". Post marked in Chattanooga, TN.Price: $400.00

Item #c1753

1919 Fort McKinley, Philippines to 31st Inf, AEF Siberia, Vladivostok, Russia. Incoming to AEF Siberia is scarce.Price: $550.00

Item #c5863

WW1: 1918 PPC to Canal Zone, censored. A picture post card from Greer, Sc to the Canal Zone. The card was forwarded to Co A, 29th Inf, Mintle Island, Canl Zone with 2 military censors handstamps. The postage stamp is missing from the card. Mail to Mintle Island is extremely scarce.Price: $95.00

Item #m167

AEF: APO 724, 400th Construction Squardon. YMCA cover from an NCO with the 400th Construction Sq.Price: $16.00

Item #m19

WW1: Real Photo PC Austo-Hungarian Troops in Camp.Price: $10.00

Item #m2758

Canadian Expeditionary Force, 122nd Canadian Forestry Co, Forres to Victoria, BC 1917. Canadian YMCA cover. CEF in France.Price: $75.00

Item #m4811

WW1: Canadian Expeditionary Forces in Siberia to Hilea, Hawaii 1919 on Japanese Military Letter Sheet.Price: $375.00

Item #m5233

WW1: British Expeditionary Force: FPO1 1st Inf Brigade to Cebu, Philippines 1915 "I am Well Card".Price: $250.00

Item #m5303

WW1: British Expeditionary Force: FPO1 1st Inf Brigade to Cebu, Philippines 1916 via Siberia, "I am Well Card".Price: $250.00

Item #m5304
Covers :: Military :: WWI :: AEF
AEF Siberia w/C-1 censor, 1919. An envelope from the AEF SIberia to Missouri in 1919. C-1 censor handstamp.Price: $175.00

Item #449

WW1:AEF APO 902, 409th Telgraph Batt. An APO 902, 409 Telegraph Battalion, supplemental registry marking type A9112.2 on a censored YMCA cover to Litchfield, Minn.Price: $65.00

Item #h106

WW1:AEF M.O.B.(9) canx, 12 Oct 1917. An AEF supplemental cancellation type A9201, Money Order Branch 9 (APO 709) on a censored YMCA cover to Roxbury, Mass 12 Oct 1917.Price: $85.00

Item #h118

WW1:AEF APO 761, 21st Engineers. An AEF rubber stamp cancellation type A1111 on a censored YMCA cover from APO 761, 21st Engineers to New York City.Price: $20.00

Item #h139

WW1:AEF APO 726, 1st US Engineers. An AEF rubber stamp cancellation type A1111 on a censored cover from APO 726, 1st US Engineers to West Philadelphia, Penna.Price: $20.00

Item #h140

WW1:AEF:APO 8, Convalescent Camp. A censored cover from APO 8,cancellation type A1001.1, with a return address of APO 785, Hospital Center, Convalescent Camp to New York 20 Sept 1918.Price: $20.00

Item #h148

AEF Siberia, YMCA cover. 1918 AEF Siberia w/C-1 censor with a postmark of the US Postal Agency in Siberia cds.Price: $175.00

Item #h6

WW1: APO 735, Base Hospital #7, Chief Surgeon. An 1918 cover from a Doctor at APO 735, Base Hospital #7 Censored.Price: $15.00

Item #m1193

WW1: AEF, 1918 "RENNES" reverse canx. Cancellation type A8301, "rennes" reverse circular canx.Price: $175.00

Item #m128

WW1: APO 724, 400th Aero Sqn, Issoudon, France. Letter enclosed.Price: $50.00

Item #m1303

WW1: AEF: Safe Arrival Card, Red Cross.Price: $10.00

Item #m1306

WW1: 493rd Aero Squadron to Seattle, Wa 1918.Price: $25.00

Item #m1331

WW1; AEF: Passed By Censor Circular Handstamp, APO 738. Capt, QMC in reg handstamped inside censor cds. On a picture postcard of Chateauroux, France to Holten, Kansas, 1918.Price: $15.00

Item #m1494

WW1: APO 702 YMCA cover, 1918, Naval Censor.Price: $20.00

Item #m1499

WW1: APO 731A, 1919, Picture Postcard of Nancy, France, Censored.Price: $10.00

Item #m1520

WW1: YMCA Envelope, 134th Medical Batt.Price: $10.00

Item #m1523

WW1: Knight's of Columbus War Activities Stateside Cover, Ala to Conn, 1918. Solo 3c Washington adhered to covers.Price: $5.00

Item #m1538

WW1: Ohio to 334th Infantry, AEF France, Fwd Numerous Times before R.T.S., 1919.Price: $20.00

Item #m1547

WW1: APO 710, US Marine in 3rd Army, Occupation 1919.Price: $60.00

Item #m1548

WW1:AEF: Well Traveled Cover, "This SOldier Has Been Transfered to U.S." Handstamp.Price: $20.00

Item #m1554

WW1:AEF: To 133rd Infantry, Well Traveled Cover, Fwd Numerous Times, R.T.S.Price: $20.00

Item #m1556

WW1:AEF: To Base Hospital, Ward 11, Well Traveled Cover, Fwd Numerous Times, R.T.S.Price: $20.00

Item #m1559

WW1:AEF: To 343th Infantry, Well Traveled Cover, Fwd Numerous Times, R.T.S.Price: $20.00

Item #m1561

WW1:AEF: To 157th Infantry, Well Traveled Cover, Fwd Numerous Times, R.T.S.Price: $20.00

Item #m1562

WW1:AEF: To 75th Division, Well Traveled Cover, Fwd Numerous Times, R.T.S.Price: $25.00

Item #m1565

WW1:AEF: To 359th Infantry Band, R.T.S., Well Traveled Cover, Fwd Numerous Times.Price: $20.00

Item #m1568

WW1:AEF: To 6th Marines, R.T.S., Well Traveled Cover, Fwd Numerous Times.Price: $25.00

Item #m1571

WW1:AEF: To Base Hospital #86, R.T.S., Well Traveled Cover, Fwd Numerous Times.Price: $20.00

Item #m1572

WW1:AEF: Training Camp Activities, Jackonville, Fla to California.Price: $7.00

Item #m1577

WW1;AEF: Patriotic Envelope, Rockford, Ill 1918.Price: $7.00

Item #m1580

WW1;AEF: YMCA Envelope, Des Moines, Iowa Dodge Branch, 1918.Price: $7.00

Item #m1581

WW1:AEF in the BEF, FPO X to NY, 1916 with Postage Dues.Price: $20.00

Item #m1585

WW1:AEF: 504th Engineering Batt, 1918.Price: $15.00

Item #m1589

WW1:AEF: YMCA Cover, Fitchburg, Mass 1918.Price: $7.00

Item #m1591

WW1:AEF:Allied Flag Patriotic Cover, Hayes Center, Nebr, 1918.Price: $7.00

Item #m1593

WW1:AEF:YMCA Cover,Fort McAurthur, San Pedro, Calif 1918.Price: $7.00

Item #m1594

WW1:AEF:YMCA Cover,Columbia, SC 1918.Price: $7.00

Item #m1595

WW1:AEF: 56th Pioneer Infantry, Camp Wadsworth, SC, 1918, Corner Card.Price: $10.00

Item #m1598

WW1:AEF: YMCA Cover, Brooklyn, NY 1917.Price: $5.00

Item #m1600

WW1:AEF: YMCA Cover, Baltimore, Md 1918.Price: $5.00

Item #m1601

WW1:AEF: YMCA Cover, Waco, Texas, 1917.Price: $5.00

Item #m1602

WW1:AEF: YMCA Cover, Newport News, Va 1918.Price: $5.00

Item #m1603

WW1:AEF: Flag Patriotic Cover, Petersburg, Va 1918.Price: $5.00

Item #m1604

WW1:AEF: Flag Patriotic Cover, Hoquiam, Washington 1918.Price: $5.00

Item #m1606

WW1:AEF:110th Engineers, Fort Sill, OK 1918, Corner Card.Price: $10.00

Item #m1615

WW1:AEF: APO 725, 19th Aero Squadron to Spokane, Wa, 1918, Censored. YMCA postalcard.Price: $35.00

Item #m1749

WW1:AEF: Fort Sheridan, Ohio to Cleveland, Special Delivery, 1918, E-11.Price: $27.50

Item #m1754

WW1: AEF Northern Russia, P.B.55, Berlensniki to South Dakota, 1919, Very Rare. British oval PE/C/8 censor handstamp.Price: $500.00

Item #m1894

WW1: AEF Northern Russia, 339th Infantry, Early No Postmarks, Very Rare. British oval PE/C/13 censor handstamp.Price: $300.00

Item #m1895

APO 849 (Sanitary Squad #52) to Norristown, Pa 1918.Price: $25.00

Item #m193

WW1: APO 813, 3rd Provisional Regmt to Wisonsin, 1919. Cover has been repaired in the upper left corner.Price: $20.00

Item #m1969

WW1: APO 839, 160 Infantry to South Pasadena, Calif 1919.Price: $25.00

Item #m1970

WW1: APO 848, 357th Infantry to Elkader, Iowa 1918.Price: $25.00

Item #m1971

WW1: APO 845, 29th Division to Hollius College, Virginia, 1918.Price: $25.00

Item #m1972

WW1: APO 849, Sanitary Squadron #58 to Morristown, Pa, 1918.Price: $25.00

Item #m1973

WW1: AEF APO 702 to Wichita, KS 1918 Ship Censor Marking.Price: $20.00

Item #m1999

WW1: US Army, 301st Inf POW Germany to New York 1918 Censored. card is in bad shape.Price: $275.00

Item #m2020

WW1: AEF APO 935 to Louisville, KY 1919.Price: $10.00

Item #m2022

WW1: APO 932, 317th Field Signal Corp, 1918. PPC of Saint Brieuc.Price: $12.00

Item #m2028

WW1: APO 735, Q.M. Corp Detachment, 1918.Price: $7.00

Item #m2029

WW1: APO 717, Signal Corp, 1918, Knight's of Columbus Envelope.Price: $5.00

Item #m2032

WW1: Women Civilian American Red Cross Worker in Paris, 1919.Price: $25.00

Item #M2163

WW1: APO 717, Base Hospital #7, Tours, France, 1918.Price: $7.50

Item #M2164

WW1: APO 3 to Minneapolis, 1917, YMCA cover.Price: $20.00

Item #m2289

WW1: APO 850 340th Infantry, 1918.Price: $25.00

Item #m2290

WW1:AEF: 822nd Aero Squadron, Field #2, Garden City, Long Island, 1918 to San Jose, Calif. The return address on the back of the cover is 822nd Aero Sqd, Field #2, Garden City, L.I.Price: $25.00

Item #m2400

WW1: AEF France APO 844 to Minneapolis, MN 1918, Censored.Price: $30.00

Item #m2444

WW1: AEF France APO 839, Field Artillery, to England 1918, Censored, Free Postage. Free postage was only valid to U.S. addresses. This one got by and went to England.Price: $25.00

Item #m2446

WW1: AEF France APO 849 to Lebanon, Penna. 1918, Censored,.Price: $25.00

Item #m2447

WW1: AEF France APO 848 to Scranton, Penna. 1918, Censored,.Price: $25.00

Item #m2448

WW1: AEF France APO 842 to Waukee, Iowa. 1918, Censored,.Price: $25.00

Item #m2449

WW1: AEF France APO 842 to Mitchell, SD. 1918, Censored,.Price: $25.00

Item #m2450

WW1: AEF France APO 834 to Minneapolis, MN. 1918, Censored,.Price: $25.00

Item #m2451

WW1: AEF France APO 832 to Freemont, Nebr. 1918, Censored,.Price: $25.00

Item #m2452

WW1: AEF France APO 832 to Omaha, Nebr. 1918, Censored,.Price: $25.00

Item #m2453

WW1: AEF France APO 907 to Dunkirk, NY. 1918, Censored, Postmark Type 1002.1.Price: $30.00

Item #m2457

WW1: AEF France APO 810 to Seattle, Wash. 1918, Censored.Price: $25.00

Item #m2459

WW1: AEF France Air Service Cadet to Hernando, Miss. 1918, Censored.Price: $30.00

Item #m2461

WW1: AEF 493rd Aero Squadron to Seattle, Wash 1918.Price: $25.00

Item #m2472

WW1: American Red Cross Safe Arrival Card to Portland, Or, Censored. k/k.Price: $10.00

Item #m2483

WW1: AEF: 667th Aero Sqdn to Milwaukee, Wis, 1918, Censored.Price: $20.00

Item #m2530

WW1: APO 790, II Corps, 1919 PO only in Operation for 4 Months. Censored by Capt Ewen MacVeach.Price: $25.00

Item #m2601

WW1: APO 717, US Marine Corp, 1919 to St Louis, Mo.Price: $35.00

Item #m2603

WW1: APO 717, US Marine Corp, 1919 to St Louis, Mo.Price: $35.00

Item #m2604

WW1: APO 770, 360th Inf, 90 Division, 1918 to Redlands, Calif. PPC of Mosel.Price: $5.00

Item #m2606

WW1: APO 734 126th Inf, 32nd Div, Occupation force, 1919 to Port Blakley, Wa.Price: $5.00

Item #m2608

WW1: APO 799, Coal Supply Base, Saint-Malo, France, 1918.Price: $5.00

Item #m2611

WW1: AEF Nortern Russia, 339th Infantry, British Censor Ovel Handstamp PE/C2., Archangel.Price: $100.00

Item #m2697

WW1: AEF Nortern Russia, 339th Infantry, British Censor Ovel Handstamp PE/C18, US Censor L6. Base Censor Tape.Price: $150.00

Item #m2702

WW1: AEF Nortern Russia, 339th Infantry, British Censor Ovel Handstamp PE/C20.Price: $65.00

Item #m2704

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