USS Macon 1936 Anniversary of Crash of Point Sur, Ca.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6393
USS Argonne Flag Ship, Honolulu, Hi 1935 CDR John Rodgers comm. CDR Rodgers attempted to fly from Calif to Hawaii in a Navy Seaplane PN9 in 1925.
Price: $15.00
Item #n6395
US Navy Mass Flight, Paradise COve, Ca to Honolulu, Hawaii 1934 AAMC #1200.
Price: $75.00
Item #n6405
USS Balch DD-50 to Hudson, Mass 1917 R-2, T-3r Type canx.
Price: $150.00
Item #n6413
USS USS Kearsarge BB-5 to Mass 1919 R-3, T-3b Type canx.
Price: $375.00
Item #n6414
4 Different Cover Address to Capt Harrison Gray Otis Colby 1905 thru 1920. The 4 covers show his progress in rank from Capt to Admiral.
Price: $25.00
Item #n6445
USS Kitty Hawk CVA-63 to IRS, Harrisburg, Pa 1965.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6448
USS Permit SS-178 1937 Beazel Cachet.
Price: $35.00
Item #n6449
US Navy 7 Dec 1942 1st Anniversary Pearl Harbor Attach, 5c Sun Yat Sen Block of 4. #10.
Price: $30.00
Item #n6451
USS Ellis DD-154 2 Dec 1941 to Chicago, IL.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6457
Navy 824, Kwajalein Island to Witchita, Ks 1953 QSL card.
Price: $20.00
Item #n6460
Naval Hospital MAre Island, Ca to New York City, NY 1941 Registered w/Prexies. backstamped Mare Island & New York City.
Price: $8.00
Item #n6461
Vietnam War: USS Witchita AOR-1 to Millis, Ma 1970.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6462
USS Wharton AP-7, Atomic Bomb, Bikini Atoll 1 Jul 1946 to Ashtabula, OH.
Price: $100.00
Item #n6469
USS Pennsylvania BB-38 1933 Fleet Week, Seattle, Wa to Chester, Pa.
Price: $8.00
Item #n6474
USS Houston, FDR Reviews the Fleet, to Groton, Ct 1938.
Price: $25.00
Item #n6478
Gulf War: Desert Shied: USMC, FPO 96608 to Vista, Ca 1990.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6489
USS Hawaii SSN-755 2004 Keel Laying.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6499
USS Hawaii SSN-755 2004 Keel Laying.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6500
USS Stewart DD-224, Chefoo, CHina to COlumbus, OH 1936. backstamped USS Blackhawk.
Price: $15.00
Item #n6502
USS Spica AK-16, Kodiak, to Beacon, NY 1941.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6504
USS Spica AK-16, Sitka, to Beacon, NY 1941.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6505
USS Tarpon 1936 1st Day in Commission.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6512
USS Nautilus SS-168 1935 to Warrendale, Or.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6514
USS Maryland 1936 New Years Day in San Pedro to Warrendale, Or.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6515
Vietnam War: USS Carter Hall LSD-3 to Los Angeles, Ca 1965. The USS Carter Hall delivered supplies up Saigon River to Nha Be & served 4 months duty as "boat repair ship" in Da Nang harbor 1965.
Price: $15.00
Item #n6517
USS Henderson AP-1 (Guam) to Columbus, Oh 1937.
Price: $20.00
Item #n6518
USS Tutula PR-4 (China) to Navy Dept, Washington DC 1930. #10.
Price: $20.00
Item #n6519
USS Monocacy PG-20 (Hankow, China) to Navy Dept, Washington DC 1937. #10.
Price: $15.00
Item #n6520
USS Tulsa PG-22 (Canton, China) to Navy Dept, Washington DC 1929. #10.
USS Seawolf SSN-575 1964 Mediterranean Nuclear Task Force.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6534
USS Seawolf SSN-575 1963.
Price: $8.00
Item #n6536
USS Nautilus SSN-571, Groton, Ct 1971.
Price: $8.00
Item #n6537
USS Seagull AM-30, Pearl Harbor to Washington DC 1927. #10.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6548
USS Monterry Penalty to Naval Station, Cavite, PI 1900 w/HK Sc #45 & 70 P/M Shangahai Very Rare High Value. backstamped Victoria, HK, Manila, & Cavite.
Price: $2,000.00
Item #n6551
USS Volunteer, Shanghai, China to Navy Dept, Washington DC 1918 Censored. Volunteer was a cargo vessel commissioned in Aug 1918 and return to the Shipping Board in Feb 1919 (6 months). Scarce to see mail from this vessel.
Price: $550.00
Item #n6552
USS Seadragon SSN-584, 1st Submerged Northwest Passage to Montpelier, VT 1960.
Price: $50.00
Item #n6565
USS Algorab AK-25, 1st Day Canx, to Westfield, NJ 1941. Released by O.N.I. 7 Sept 1948.
Price: $35.00
Item #n6575
APO 901, US Navy Inchon, Korea to Modesto, Ca 1945.
Price: $20.00
Item #n6582
USS Lexington CVA-2, Bremerton, Wa to New York City, NY 1933.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6583
USS Oahu PR-6, Hanakow, China to Milwaukee, WI 1936.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6591
USS Monocacy PR-20, Hankow, China to Chicago, IL 1933.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6594
USS Blackhawk AD-9, Chefoo, China to Bridgeport, CT 1935.
Price: $12.00
Item #n6597
U.S. Marines were Ordered to Korea, 1950 Linto Cachet #4 of 10 issued.
Price: $25.00
Item #n6608
USS Idaho, 1931, commercially used.
Price: $10.00
Item #n661
USS Washington ACR-11 to Meadville, Pa 1908.
Price: $25.00
Item #n6614
USS Ticonderoga CVS-14 1972 Apollo 17 Recovery Force.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6619
USCG Northland, Barrow, Alaska to Sequim, Wa 1934.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6620
USS Eagle #19 to New York City, NY 1941.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6621
USS Tambor SS-198 to St Louis, Mo 1940.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6623
USS Pennsylvania, 1931, commercially used.
Price: $7.00
Item #n667
Navy #150 (MAG Saigon, VN) to Los Angeles, Ca 1957 Airmail. 6c Skymaster.
Price: $25.00
Item #n6685
USS Maryland, 1935, Flag Day.
Price: $7.00
Item #n669
USS Tippecanoe AO-21 Armistice Day 1940 1c Prexie Booklets x3.
Price: $6.00
Item #n6693
USS Phoenix CL-46 to Los Angeles, Ca 1940.
Price: $6.00
Item #n6698
USS Idaho, 1935, commercially used.
Price: $7.00
Item #n670
USS Saratoga CVA-3 to Los Angeles, Ca 1940.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6701
USS Lexington CVA--2 to Los Angeles, Ca 1939.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6704
USS Arkansas, Properous New Year.
Price: $7.00
Item #n671
USS Black Hawk AO-9 (Kobe, Japan) to Lansdale, Pa 1934.
Price: $8.00
Item #n6711
USS Ranger CVA-4 (Washington's Birthday) to Bangor, MI 1940.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6715
USS Ranger CVA-4 to Bangor, MI 1940.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6716
USS Pennsylvania, 1935, commercially used.
Price: $7.00
Item #n672
USS Stewart DE-238 (Shanghai, China) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1936.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6722
USS Reina Mercedes IX-25 (Washington's Birthday) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1936.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6723
USS Raleigh CL-7 (Valencia, SPain) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1936.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6725
USS Raleigh CL-7 (Potlach & Fleet Week, Alaska) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1935.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6726
USS Raleigh CL-7 (Villefranche, France) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1936.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6727
USS Ranger CVA-4 (Bremerton, Wa) to New Philadelphia, OH 1937.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6731
USS Ranger CVA-4 (Transit Canal) to New Philadelphia, OH 1935.
Price: $5.00
Item #n6733
USS Arizona BB-39, San Pedro, Ca to Greenfield, Ma 1935.
Price: $50.00
Item #n6743
USS Arkansas, 1937, Kiel, Germany.
Price: $8.00
Item #n676
USMC: Marine to Marine, Matagalfro, Nicaragua 1929 (Internal mail).
USS Cumberland Sound AV-17, Operation Crossroads (A-Bomb) to Trenton, NJ 24 Jun 1946.
Price: $100.00
Item #n6781
USS Maryland ACR-8, A-Y-P Expo, Seattle, Wa to Newark, NJ 1909. The USS Maryland was present at the Official Reception of the Japanese Training Fleet and opening ceremony of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo in Seattle, Wa.
Price: $150.00
Item #n6784
Albion, NY to US Steamship Sebago, Western Gulf Blocking Sqd 1864.
Price: $150.00
Item #n6789
Winchester, Ma to Capt John Butler, USMC aboard USS Minnesota off Point Lookout, MD 1864.
Price: $125.00
Item #n6790
MArine Corp Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua to Greenville, IL 1927.
Price: $65.00
Item #n6797
Marine Corp Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua to Boston, Ma 1928. Surface to New York (arrived 2 Apr), then airmail to Boston. back stamped New York and Boston.
Price: $50.00
Item #n6798
Marine Corps Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua to New York City, NY 1928. Return address on back is 5th Regiment, 2nd Brigade.
Marine Corps Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua to New York, NY 1929.
Price: $65.00
Item #n6824
USMC: 11th, Regiment, 2nd Brigade Managua, Nicaragua to Grunville, IL 1929 Only 1 of 2 Know Postmarks. Until the discovery of this cover the only postmark from this post office was registered mail cancel.
Price: $350.00
Item #n6830
USMC: 5th, Regiment, Managua, Nicaragua to Buffalo, NY 1927.
Price: $60.00
Item #n6831
USMC: Fm Rural Outpost, 5th, Regiment, Managua, Nicaragua to Minneapolis, MN 1929 (FRONT ONLY). Cover front was sent from a rural outpost were no stamps or postmarks were available. See upper right side corner.