DK Enterprise


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Covers :: Military :: Navy
USS Barney DD-149 1935 16th Birthday.Price: $10.00

Item #n6391

USS Macon 1936 Anniversary of Crash of Point Sur, Ca.Price: $10.00

Item #n6393

USS Argonne Flag Ship, Honolulu, Hi 1935 CDR John Rodgers comm. CDR Rodgers attempted to fly from Calif to Hawaii in a Navy Seaplane PN9 in 1925.Price: $15.00

Item #n6395

US Navy Mass Flight, Paradise COve, Ca to Honolulu, Hawaii 1934 AAMC #1200.Price: $75.00

Item #n6405

USS Balch DD-50 to Hudson, Mass 1917 R-2, T-3r Type canx.Price: $150.00

Item #n6413

USS USS Kearsarge BB-5 to Mass 1919 R-3, T-3b Type canx.Price: $375.00

Item #n6414

4 Different Cover Address to Capt Harrison Gray Otis Colby 1905 thru 1920. The 4 covers show his progress in rank from Capt to Admiral.Price: $25.00

Item #n6445

USS Kitty Hawk CVA-63 to IRS, Harrisburg, Pa 1965.Price: $10.00

Item #n6448

USS Permit SS-178 1937 Beazel Cachet.Price: $35.00

Item #n6449

US Navy 7 Dec 1942 1st Anniversary Pearl Harbor Attach, 5c Sun Yat Sen Block of 4. #10.Price: $30.00

Item #n6451

USS Ellis DD-154 2 Dec 1941 to Chicago, IL.Price: $10.00

Item #n6457

Navy 824, Kwajalein Island to Witchita, Ks 1953 QSL card.Price: $20.00

Item #n6460

Naval Hospital MAre Island, Ca to New York City, NY 1941 Registered w/Prexies. backstamped Mare Island & New York City.Price: $8.00

Item #n6461

Vietnam War: USS Witchita AOR-1 to Millis, Ma 1970.Price: $5.00

Item #n6462

USS Wharton AP-7, Atomic Bomb, Bikini Atoll 1 Jul 1946 to Ashtabula, OH.Price: $100.00

Item #n6469

USS Pennsylvania BB-38 1933 Fleet Week, Seattle, Wa to Chester, Pa.Price: $8.00

Item #n6474

USS Houston, FDR Reviews the Fleet, to Groton, Ct 1938.Price: $25.00

Item #n6478

Gulf War: Desert Shied: USMC, FPO 96608 to Vista, Ca 1990.Price: $10.00

Item #n6489

USS Hawaii SSN-755 2004 Keel Laying.Price: $5.00

Item #n6499

USS Hawaii SSN-755 2004 Keel Laying.Price: $5.00

Item #n6500

USS Stewart DD-224, Chefoo, CHina to COlumbus, OH 1936. backstamped USS Blackhawk.Price: $15.00

Item #n6502

USS Spica AK-16, Kodiak, to Beacon, NY 1941.Price: $10.00

Item #n6504

USS Spica AK-16, Sitka, to Beacon, NY 1941.Price: $10.00

Item #n6505

USS Tarpon 1936 1st Day in Commission.Price: $10.00

Item #n6512

USS Nautilus SS-168 1935 to Warrendale, Or.Price: $5.00

Item #n6514

USS Maryland 1936 New Years Day in San Pedro to Warrendale, Or.Price: $5.00

Item #n6515

Vietnam War: USS Carter Hall LSD-3 to Los Angeles, Ca 1965. The USS Carter Hall delivered supplies up Saigon River to Nha Be & served 4 months duty as "boat repair ship" in Da Nang harbor 1965.Price: $15.00

Item #n6517

USS Henderson AP-1 (Guam) to Columbus, Oh 1937.Price: $20.00

Item #n6518

USS Tutula PR-4 (China) to Navy Dept, Washington DC 1930. #10.Price: $20.00

Item #n6519

USS Monocacy PG-20 (Hankow, China) to Navy Dept, Washington DC 1937. #10.Price: $15.00

Item #n6520

USS Tulsa PG-22 (Canton, China) to Navy Dept, Washington DC 1929. #10.Price: $20.00

Item #n6521

Patriotic: Naval Station, Olongapo, Philippines 15 Apr 1941.Price: $5.00

Item #n6525

USS Seawolf SSN-575 1964 Mediterranean Nuclear Task Force.Price: $10.00

Item #n6534

USS Seawolf SSN-575 1963.Price: $8.00

Item #n6536

USS Nautilus SSN-571, Groton, Ct 1971.Price: $8.00

Item #n6537

USS Seagull AM-30, Pearl Harbor to Washington DC 1927. #10.Price: $10.00

Item #n6548

USS Monterry Penalty to Naval Station, Cavite, PI 1900 w/HK Sc #45 & 70 P/M Shangahai Very Rare High Value. backstamped Victoria, HK, Manila, & Cavite.Price: $2,000.00

Item #n6551

USS Volunteer, Shanghai, China to Navy Dept, Washington DC 1918 Censored. Volunteer was a cargo vessel commissioned in Aug 1918 and return to the Shipping Board in Feb 1919 (6 months). Scarce to see mail from this vessel.Price: $550.00

Item #n6552

USS Seadragon SSN-584, 1st Submerged Northwest Passage to Montpelier, VT 1960.Price: $50.00

Item #n6565

USS Algorab AK-25, 1st Day Canx, to Westfield, NJ 1941. Released by O.N.I. 7 Sept 1948.Price: $35.00

Item #n6575

APO 901, US Navy Inchon, Korea to Modesto, Ca 1945.Price: $20.00

Item #n6582

USS Lexington CVA-2, Bremerton, Wa to New York City, NY 1933.Price: $10.00

Item #n6583

USS Oahu PR-6, Hanakow, China to Milwaukee, WI 1936.Price: $10.00

Item #n6591

USS Monocacy PR-20, Hankow, China to Chicago, IL 1933.Price: $5.00

Item #n6594

USS Blackhawk AD-9, Chefoo, China to Bridgeport, CT 1935.Price: $12.00

Item #n6597

U.S. Marines were Ordered to Korea, 1950 Linto Cachet #4 of 10 issued.Price: $25.00

Item #n6608

USS Idaho, 1931, commercially used.Price: $10.00

Item #n661

USS Washington ACR-11 to Meadville, Pa 1908.Price: $25.00

Item #n6614

USS Ticonderoga CVS-14 1972 Apollo 17 Recovery Force.Price: $5.00

Item #n6619

USCG Northland, Barrow, Alaska to Sequim, Wa 1934.Price: $5.00

Item #n6620

USS Eagle #19 to New York City, NY 1941.Price: $5.00

Item #n6621

USS Tambor SS-198 to St Louis, Mo 1940.Price: $5.00

Item #n6623

USS Pennsylvania, 1931, commercially used.Price: $7.00

Item #n667

Navy #150 (MAG Saigon, VN) to Los Angeles, Ca 1957 Airmail. 6c Skymaster.Price: $25.00

Item #n6685

USS Maryland, 1935, Flag Day.Price: $7.00

Item #n669

USS Tippecanoe AO-21 Armistice Day 1940 1c Prexie Booklets x3.Price: $6.00

Item #n6693

USS Phoenix CL-46 to Los Angeles, Ca 1940.Price: $6.00

Item #n6698

USS Idaho, 1935, commercially used.Price: $7.00

Item #n670

USS Saratoga CVA-3 to Los Angeles, Ca 1940.Price: $10.00

Item #n6701

USS Lexington CVA--2 to Los Angeles, Ca 1939.Price: $10.00

Item #n6704

USS Arkansas, Properous New Year.Price: $7.00

Item #n671

USS Black Hawk AO-9 (Kobe, Japan) to Lansdale, Pa 1934.Price: $8.00

Item #n6711

USS Ranger CVA-4 (Washington's Birthday) to Bangor, MI 1940.Price: $5.00

Item #n6715

USS Ranger CVA-4 to Bangor, MI 1940.Price: $5.00

Item #n6716

USS Pennsylvania, 1935, commercially used.Price: $7.00

Item #n672

USS Stewart DE-238 (Shanghai, China) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1936.Price: $5.00

Item #n6722

USS Reina Mercedes IX-25 (Washington's Birthday) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1936.Price: $5.00

Item #n6723

USS Raleigh CL-7 (Valencia, SPain) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1936.Price: $5.00

Item #n6725

USS Raleigh CL-7 (Potlach & Fleet Week, Alaska) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1935.Price: $5.00

Item #n6726

USS Raleigh CL-7 (Villefranche, France) to New Philadelphia, Pa 1936.Price: $5.00

Item #n6727

USS Ranger CVA-4 (Bremerton, Wa) to New Philadelphia, OH 1937.Price: $5.00

Item #n6731

USS Ranger CVA-4 (Transit Canal) to New Philadelphia, OH 1935.Price: $5.00

Item #n6733

USS Arizona BB-39, San Pedro, Ca to Greenfield, Ma 1935.Price: $50.00

Item #n6743

USS Arkansas, 1937, Kiel, Germany.Price: $8.00

Item #n676

USMC: Marine to Marine, Matagalfro, Nicaragua 1929 (Internal mail).Price: $75.00

Item #n6768

Bikini Atoll, Operation Crossroads (A-Bomb, Baker Test), to Albuquerque, NM 23 Jul 1946.Price: $100.00

Item #n6775

USS Cumberland Sound AV-17, Operation Crossroads (A-Bomb) to Trenton, NJ 24 Jun 1946.Price: $100.00

Item #n6781

USS Maryland ACR-8, A-Y-P Expo, Seattle, Wa to Newark, NJ 1909. The USS Maryland was present at the Official Reception of the Japanese Training Fleet and opening ceremony of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo in Seattle, Wa.Price: $150.00

Item #n6784

Albion, NY to US Steamship Sebago, Western Gulf Blocking Sqd 1864.Price: $150.00

Item #n6789

Winchester, Ma to Capt John Butler, USMC aboard USS Minnesota off Point Lookout, MD 1864.Price: $125.00

Item #n6790

MArine Corp Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua to Greenville, IL 1927.Price: $65.00

Item #n6797

Marine Corp Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua to Boston, Ma 1928. Surface to New York (arrived 2 Apr), then airmail to Boston. back stamped New York and Boston.Price: $50.00

Item #n6798

Marine Corps Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua to New York City, NY 1928. Return address on back is 5th Regiment, 2nd Brigade.Price: $65.00

Item #n6799

USS Missouri, 1986.Price: $2.00

Item #n680

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Hartford, CT 1931.Price: $45.00

Item #n6809

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Babylon, NY 1931.Price: $40.00

Item #n6810

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Rochester, NY 1932.Price: $45.00

Item #n6811

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to San Francisco, Ca 1931.Price: $35.00

Item #n6812

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Philadelphia, Pa 1931.Price: $35.00

Item #n6814

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Ithaca, NY 1931.Price: $30.00

Item #n6815

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Forks, NY 1930.Price: $45.00

Item #n6816

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Des Moines, IA 1929.Price: $45.00

Item #n6817

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to New Orleans, La 1930 Airmail.Price: $65.00

Item #n6818

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Philadelphia, Pa 1930.Price: $45.00

Item #n6819

USMC HQ E.Area Puerto Cabezas 2nd Brig, Nicaragua to Bridgeport, Ct 1929. Return address on reverse is: 51th Co, 5th Reg, 2nd Brigade,.Price: $125.00

Item #n6821

USMC 5th Reg, 2nf Brig Managua, Nicaragua to Montclair, NJ 1928.Price: $50.00

Item #n6822

Marine Corps Expeditionary Forces, Nicaragua to New York, NY 1929.Price: $65.00

Item #n6824

USMC: 11th, Regiment, 2nd Brigade Managua, Nicaragua to Grunville, IL 1929 Only 1 of 2 Know Postmarks. Until the discovery of this cover the only postmark from this post office was registered mail cancel.Price: $350.00

Item #n6830

USMC: 5th, Regiment, Managua, Nicaragua to Buffalo, NY 1927.Price: $60.00

Item #n6831

USMC: Fm Rural Outpost, 5th, Regiment, Managua, Nicaragua to Minneapolis, MN 1929 (FRONT ONLY). Cover front was sent from a rural outpost were no stamps or postmarks were available. See upper right side corner.Price: $125.00

Item #n6832

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