USNS Alatna T-AOG81, Operation Deep Freeze, 1958 Task Force 48, Sign by C.O.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3686
Operation Deep Freeze, Pole Station 1959 to New Zealand. 8c solo Liberty series.
Price: $25.00
Item #n3691
Operation Deep Freeze II, Byrd Station, 1957.
Price: $2.00
Item #n3707
Operation Deep Freeze II, Byrd Station, 1957.
Price: $2.00
Item #n3708
Operation Deep Freeze II, Byrd Station, 1957.
Price: $2.00
Item #n3709
USS Arneb AKA-56, Operation Deep Freeze, 1961 Signed by C.O.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3720
USS Arkansas BB-33 to Dearborn, Mich, 1935 Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Price: $8.00
Item #n3743
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1934 Error in cds Year.
Price: $15.00
Item #n3746
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1934 Error in cds Year, Easter Sunday.
Price: $15.00
Item #n3747
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1934 Error in cds Year, Lincohn's Birthday.
Price: $15.00
Item #n3748
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1935 Happy New Years.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3750
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1939 Memorial Day Anapolis, MD.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3751
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1936.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3753
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1936 St Patrick's Day.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3755
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1934 Armistice Day.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3758
USS Arkansas BB-33, 1934 American Cup Races.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3759
Navy: USS Sargo SSN-583, 1960.
Price: $10.00
Item #n376
USS Balduck APD-132, 1944 Navy Day.
Price: $5.00
Item #n3760
USS San Francisco, 1934 1st Day in Commission.
Price: $5.00
Item #n3762
USS Concord, 1935 Memorial Day in Memory of USS Macon.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3767
USS Concord, USS Macon, Memorial Day, to Chicago, Ill 1935.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3767
USS Opal, 1941 1st Day of Postal Service.
Price: $5.00
Item #n3770
Naval Classic: USS Constellation, Sail Frigate 1913.
Price: $15.00
Item #n3771
US Rigel (USS S-34) to Honolulu, Hawaii, 1941. 3c solo Prexie. The return address on the back is USS S-34. The S-34 did not have a postoffice onboard.
Price: $50.00
Item #n3777
USS Sam Rayburn SSBN-635 1964 1st Day Commission.
Price: $5.00
Item #n378
USS Whiteside AKA-90 to Seattle, Wa 1947 Occupation Fleet in Japanese Waters.
Price: $15.00
Item #n3785
USS Mindoro CVE-120 to St Louis, Mo 1950.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3787
USS Ranger to Port Townsend, Wa 1934 1st Day in Commission.
Price: $20.00
Item #n3788
USS Boise CL-47 to Gow Ng, Portmouth, NH 1936 1st Day Postal Service.
Price: $8.00
Item #n3792
USS Rainbow AS-7 (Gitmo) to Bartley, NJ, 1919. Back of cover is torn.
Price: $20.00
Item #n3793
USS Purdy DD-734, 1946 U.S. Occupation Fleet in Japan.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3794
USS Benny DD-807, 1947 U.S. Occupation Fleet in Japan.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3795
Navy: USS Nautilus SSN-571, 1961.
Price: $8.00
Item #n380
USS Gardiners Bay AVP-39, 1946 U.S. Occupation Fleet in Japan.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3801
USS Kishwaukee AOG-9, 1947 U.S. Occupation Fleet in Japan.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3803
USS Keppler DD-765, 1947 U.S. Occupation Fleet in Japan.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3804
USS Cavalier APA-37, 1947 U.S. Occupation Fleet in Japan.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3807
USS Robert H. Smith DM-23, 1946 U.S. Occupation Fleet in Japan.
Price: $10.00
Item #n3809
USS Boxer, Brigantine to Dover, NH 1915 R-1 cancel.
Price: $50.00
Item #n3819
US NAvy Kwajadelin Island, 1 Nov 1945 A-Bomb Test Site.
Price: $100.00
Item #n3835
Argentine Frigate "Albrion" to Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1954. solo 10c Prexie. Cover is from a Argentine sailor.
Price: $35.00
Item #n3853
Navy: USS Barbell SS-580, 1958 Launching.
Price: $5.00
Item #n386
USS Oberon AK-56, 1952 I Like Ike Patriotic Cover.
Price: $15.00
Item #n3867
Navy: USS Barbell SS-580, 1958 Launching.
Price: $5.00
Item #n387
USS Trenton CL-11, San Diego, Calif, 1937.
Price: $12.00
Item #n3875
USS Trenton CL-11, Christmas Greetings, 25 Dec 1936.
Price: $7.00
Item #n3880
USS Omaha CL-4, 1932 American Legion Convention, Portland, Or. UX19 postal card.
Price: $7.00
Item #n3881
USS Breese DD-122, Bremerton, Washington 1940 Leap Year.
Price: $7.00
Item #n3884
USS Louisville CA-28, Navy Day 1934.
Price: $5.00
Item #n3886
Navy: USS Tautog SSN-637, 1968 Commissioning.
Price: $5.00
Item #n389
Navy: USS Dace SSN-607, 1966.
Price: $5.00
Item #n393
USS Thomas A. Edison SSBN-610 1962.
Price: $8.00
Item #n394
USS Orion AS-18, 1949 Washington's Birthday, Ghimale cachet.
Price: $6.00
Item #n3943
USS Chukawan AO-100, 1960 Welcome to Norfolk Hatian Patrol Boat "Crete A. Pierott".
Price: $5.00
Item #n3944
USS Tolovana AO-64, 1946.
Price: $3.00
Item #n3945
USS Spica AK-16 to Ansonia, CT 1941.
Price: $5.00
Item #n3947
USS Farragut DDG-37 to San Bruno, Ca 1978.
Price: $5.00
Item #n3951
USS Woodrow Wilson SSBN-624 to Fort Sam Houston, TX 1963.
Price: $5.00
Item #n396
USS YMS-111, 1942 Commissioned at New Orleans, LA.
Price: $5.00
Item #n3964
USS YMS-111 1942 Commissioning, Dye cachet.
Price: $6.00
Item #n3964
USS Bainbridge DLGN-25, 1961 Launching.
Price: $5.00
Item #n3968
Navy: USS Cachalot SS-170, 1938, registered p/m.
Price: $10.00
Item #n400
USS New York BB-34 to Germantown, Ohio, 1934.
Price: $10.00
Item #n4069
Navy: USS James Monroe SSBN-622, 1984.
Price: $3.00
Item #n407
USS Idaho BB-42 to Germantown, Ohio, 1934.
Price: $10.00
Item #n4071
Navy: USS Guittarro, 1984.
Price: $3.00
Item #n408
USS New Mexico BB-40 to Los Angeles, Calif 1922.
Price: $15.00
Item #n4086
1935 Mass Navy Flight to Midway Island, AAMC 1234. 6c Winged Globe & 2c Hawaii w/1893 Provisional Govt overprint.
Price: $175.00
Item #n4090
USS Trout SS-202, 1941 Autographed by Stirling Cale PhM2, Pearl Harbor Survivor. Phm2 Cale was incharge of the burial party removing bodies from the USS Arizona. He was also a corpsman with the 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal.
Price: $50.00
Item #n4093
USS Scupin SS-191, 1941 Autographed by Herb Wwatherwax, Pearl Harbor Survivor.
Price: $50.00
Item #n4094
1934 Navy Mass Flight fm San Diego, Ca to Balboa, Canal Zone. VP7, VP9, & VJ2 sqdrs. Top left corner torn off cover.
Price: $75.00
Item #n4112
USS Erie, Canal Zone, 1938 to Puyallup, Wa. Solo 15c 4th Bureau issue. Pays the 1/2 airmail rate from U.S. possession.
Price: $35.00
Item #n4114
Midway Island to Los Angeles, Calif, 3 Feb 41 Clipper Flight, 30c Solo Winged Globe. Cover fm E.B.Whiting, Hawaiian Dredging Co, postmarked Midway Det, 3rd Def. Batt, Marine Force.
Price: $250.00
Item #n4116
Naval: USS Tarawa (VT-4) to Waiakoa, Hawaii, 1946. Pacific Clipper airmail. 15c solo Prexie. The USS Tarawa was on sea trial off Gitmo during this time.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4120
USS Wyoming BB-32 to Carbondale, Pa 1936.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4126
USS Wyoming BB-32 (Funchal, Maderia) to Dallas, TX 1933.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4127
USS Wyoming BB-32 (Annapolis, MD) to Utica, NY 1938.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4128
USS Hulbert DD-342 (Columbus Day) to Springfield, Ma 1934.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4129
Navy: USS Greenling SSN-614 CO autographed.
Price: $8.00
Item #n413
USS Concord CL-10 (Mare Island) to New Bedford, Ma 1938.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4130
USS Chewink ASR-3 to St Louis, MO 1933.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4131
1935 Hawaii: 48 Airships Mass Flight to Midway Island.
Price: $100.00
Item #n4135
USS Camden AS-6, 1923 to South Manchester, CT R-1 canx.
Price: $50.00
Item #n4138
USS Kanawha AO-1, 1929 to Cleveland, OH. Type T-3s canx (R2).
Price: $100.00
Item #n4145
USS Southery IX-26, 1909. Type T-1 canx (R1).
Price: $50.00
Item #n4147
US Naval Prison, Portsmouth, NH to Bridgewater, Mass, 1945 Special Delivery.
Price: $35.00
Item #n4155
USS Topeka to Franklin, Va 1945 Tokyo Bay.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4159
USS Orleck DD-886, Shanghai, to New Haven, Ct 1946 Unlisted Cancellation.
Price: $65.00
Item #n4164
USS Cacapon A0-52, 2 Aug 1946 Occupation of Yokosuka, Japan.
Price: $25.00
Item #n4166
USS New Jersey BB-62 to San Jose, Ca 1946.
Price: $15.00
Item #n4176
Navy 3245, Saipan to San Jose, Ca 1949.
Price: $10.00
Item #n4178
Naval Station Guantanamo Bay to Council Buffs, IA 1930.
Price: $15.00
Item #n4179
Cinc Pacific Fleet to Navy 926, 1946 Registered.
Price: $15.00
Item #n4192
Navy: USS Muskallunge SS-262, 1956 Loan to Brazil. Loaned to Brazil.
Price: $5.00
Item #n421
Navy: USS Tecumseh SSBN-628 Launching.
Price: $8.00
Item #n423
Navy: USS Trout SS-566.
Price: $3.00
Item #n430
Navy: USS Nautilus 1934, Last day in Hawaii. Last day in the Paradise of the Pacific, 1934. Back flap missing.
Price: $18.00
Item #n434
Navy: USS Dace SSN-607.
Price: $3.00
Item #n437
Caldwell Naval Rife Range, NJ to Milford, Conn 1919. Naval Rife Range in Caldwell, NJ was open from 1918 and closed in 1919.