Naval: USS Bonita SS-165, 28 July 1941, Alaska Cruise.
Price: $15.00
Item #n1611
Naval: USS Fulton APA-7 Commissioned, 10 April 1941.
Price: $5.00
Item #n1613
Naval: USS Ortolan ASR-5, Patriotic Cachet, 14 Feb 1941.
Price: $3.00
Item #n1616
Naval: USS Vulcan AR-5, 4 Aug 1941.
Price: $3.00
Item #n1619
Naval: USS Gold Star AG-12, Guam, M.I.(manuscript) 27 Oct 1933. Guam M.I. manuscript between the killer bars.
Price: $10.00
Item #n1622
Naval: USS Potomac AG-25, Merry Xmas, 25 Dec 1940.
Price: $5.00
Item #n1624
Naval: USS Niagara AGP-1, 4 Apr 1941.
Price: $3.00
Item #n1626
Naval: USS Pecos AO-6, Hong Kong, China, 8 Nov 1934.
Price: $5.00
Item #n1628
Naval: USS Heywood APA-6 Bremerton, Wash, 22 Feb 1941.
Price: $5.00
Item #n1632
Naval: USS Relief AH-1, At Sea with USS Macon, 13 Nov 1933.
Price: $20.00
Item #n1641
Naval: USS Isabel PY-10, Manila, P.I., 18 Mar 1941.
Price: $8.00
Item #n1651
Naval: USS Albemarle AV-5, Philadelphia, Pa, 20 Dec 1940.
Price: $3.00
Item #n1665
USS Meredith DD-434, 7 Apr, 1941 1st Day of Postal Service.
Price: $3.00
Item #n1677
Naval: USS Algorma ATO-34, San Pedro, Calif, 23 Oct 1940.
Price: $3.00
Item #n1688
Naval: USS Honolulu CL-48, Navy Day, 27 Oct 1939.
Price: $5.00
Item #n1693
Naval: USS Boise CL-47, Navy Day, 27 Oct 1939.
Price: $5.00
Item #n1694
Naval: USS Argonne AS-10, 1935 Aleutian Island Survey.
Price: $25.00
Item #n1699
Naval: USS Relief, type 6 canx, 1931.
Price: $0.99
Item #n17
1941 USS Polaris AF-11 to USS Breese. back canceled USS Breese Parcel Post, Registered.
Price: $8.00
Item #N17003
1936 USS Astoria CA-34 to Jersey city, NJ cancelled Callao, Peru.
Price: $10.00
Item #N17004
1937 USS Arkansas BB-33 to Weatherly, PA cancelled Kiel, Germany. back cancelled Weatherly, PA.
Price: $10.00
Item #N17005
1932 USS Heron (AM-10) to Susanville, CA ; Washington's B'day catchet.
Price: $8.00
Item #N17008
1937 USS Bass (SS-164) to Detroit, MI, Decommissoned cachet Philadelphia, PA.
Price: $10.00
Item #N17009
1937 USS Bonita SS-165, Decommissoned to Detroit Michigan.
Price: $5.00
Item #N17010
1940 USS Stack DD-406 Shakedown Cruise cancelled Bahia, Brazil.
Price: $5.00
Item #N17012
1936: USS Fairfax (93)to Union City, NJ; Flamenco Island, Panama.
Price: $10.00
Item #N17013
1963 USS Permit SSN 594 SUBROC "First Firing Submarine".
Price: $10.00
Item #N17014
1960 USS Sargo 583 North Pole under ice cancel.
Price: $10.00
Item #N17015
1939 USS Swan AM-34 to Keyser, WV.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17021
1939 USS Rail AM-26 to Keyser, WV.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17022
1938 USS Avocet AM-19, Hawaii to Oklahoma City, OK.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17023
1939 USS Vireo AM-52 San Pedro to Keyser, WV.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17024
1932 USS Pennsylvania BB-38, Merry Christmas to Mohawk, IN.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17025
1934 USS Hulbert DD-342 to Keyser, WV Last Day In service.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17027
1953 USS Curtiss AV-4, to Detroit, Mi AIrmail.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17032
1937 USS Dale DD-353 San Diego to Leyser, WV.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17034
1933 USS Cachalot SS-170, Portsmouth NSY to Oak Park, IL.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17036
1938 USS California BB-44, Lincoln Birthday to Valipariaso, IN.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17039
Naval: USS Bittern AM-36, 1935, Manila, PI.
Price: $8.00
Item #n1704
1935 USS Greebe AM-43, at Sea to Providence, RI.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17044
1932 USS Argonne AG-31 to Indianapolis, IN.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17045
1937 USS Aaron Ward DD-139, San Diego to Chicago, IL.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17048
1934 USS Antares AKS-3 to Woodcliff, NJ.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17049
1932 USS Oglala CM-4, Honolulu to Rutherford, NJ.
Price: $8.00
Item #n17051
1939 USS Avocet AVP-4 San Pedro to Bridgeport, CT.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17054
Naval: USS Black Hawk, AD-9, 1935, Manila Bay, PI.
Price: $6.00
Item #n1706
1915 USS South Carolina BB-26 to Springfield, Ma Officially Sealed (Sc OX13).
Price: $35.00
Item #n17060
1983 Photo signed by Capt Joe Taussig, Commanding Officer, USS Nevada plus Plaque Dedication cover.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17066
1906 USS Chattanooga CL-18 Gibraltar, Spain.
Price: $30.00
Item #n17074
1934 USS New Orleans CA-32, Washngton's Birthday to North Westport, Ma.
Price: $5.00
Item #n17078
1912 USS Glacier AF-4, San Diego, Ca to Astoria, Or. PPC form Panama-California Exposition.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17080
1911 USS Paduka PG-18, Swan Island to Chicago, IL. Swan Island is about 100 miles off the coast of Hondouras.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17081
1911 USS Saratoga CA-2 to Independence, Mo.
Price: $30.00
Item #n17082
1910 USS Colorado BB-45 to Geary, OH.
Price: $20.00
Item #n17086
1949 USS Prairie AD-15, FPO San Fran, Ca to Ensenada, Mexico Missent to Ensenada, NM. back stamped Ensenada, NM & Ensenada, Mexico.
Price: $8.00
Item #n17088
1949 USS Prairie AD-15, FPO San Fran, Ca to Ensenada, Mexico. back stamped Ensenada, Mexico.
Price: $8.00
Item #n17089
Naval: USS Black Hawk, AD-9, 1935, Bouy 218, Kobe, Japan.
Price: $8.00
Item #n1709
1947 Capt J.G. Roenigk, USS Fresno CL-121 to Grand Rapids, MI. Capt Roenigk, commanded the USS Wittek during the Korean War from July 51 thru Aug 52. He waa killed in Action.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17109
Naval: USS Black Hawk, AD-9, 1940, Manila, PI.
Price: $5.00
Item #n1711
1946 Capt Wyatt Craig USS Fargo CL-106 to Grand Rapids, MI.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17110
1940 USS Sailfish SS-192, 1st Deep Sea Dive to Holyoke, Ma Butler cachet.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17112
1937 USS Squalus SS-192, Keel Laid, p/m Naval Hospital Phialadelphia, Pa.
Price: $20.00
Item #n17114
1937 USS Squalus SS-192, Keel Laid to Postland, Or.
Price: $10.00
Item #n17115
1945 USS Sailfish SS-192 to Philadelphia, Pa.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17116
1937 USS Squalus SS-192, Keel Laid to Clinton, NJ Richell cachet.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17117
1937 USS Squalus SS-192, Keel Laid to Norfolk, Va Hutnick cachet.
Price: $30.00
Item #n17118
1938 USS Squalus SS-192, Launched to San Francisco, Ca Hand Colored cachet.
Price: $20.00
Item #n17119
Naval: USS Black Hawk, AD-9, 1932, Asiatic Station. CREASED.
Price: $5.00
Item #n1712
1938 USS Squalus SS-192, Launched to North Baltimore, OH.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17120
1938 USS Squalus SS-192, Launched to Hope, AR.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17122
1938 USS Squalus SS-192, Launched to Brooklyn, NY Horton cachet.
Price: $30.00
Item #n17123
1938 USS Squalus SS-192, Launched to West Orange, NJ Portsmouth NSY Assoc cachet.
Price: $20.00
Item #n17126
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Commissioned to USS Pollack Gow Ng cachet.
Price: $75.00
Item #n17127
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Commissioned to Portsmouth, NH.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17128
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Commissioned to Pittsfield, Ma Weigand Hand Painted.
Price: $30.00
Item #n17129
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Commissioned to Chicago, Il ANCS #54 cachet.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17131
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Commissioned to Cheyenne, WY ANCS Argonaut cachet.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17132
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, 1st Day Postal Service to West Philadelphia, Pa Hutnick cachet.
Price: $20.00
Item #n17133
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, 1st Day Postal Service to Brooklyn, NY.
Price: $10.00
Item #n17134
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Decommissioned to Long Island, NY p/m USS Sculpin.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17135
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Decommissioned p/m USS Goff.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17136
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Decommissioned to Kittery, Me Mueller cachet.
Price: $50.00
Item #n17137
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Decommissioned Hutnick cachet p/mm USS Sculpin.
Price: $10.00
Item #n17138
1939 USS Squalus SS-192, Raising Squalus to Rye, NH.
Price: $40.00
Item #n17139
1969 DSV Aluminaut (Alvin) to Buda, TX.
Price: $20.00
Item #n17145
1969 DSV Aluminaut, Miami, Fl to Lynbrook, NY.
Price: $20.00
Item #n17147
1974 R/V Knorr French-American Mid-Ocean Undersea Study Signed by Captain E.H.Hiller.
Price: $8.00
Item #n17151
1971 DSRV Alvin 1st Dive Since Recovery to Estherville, IA.
Price: $10.00
Item #n17152
19xx USS Arizona BB-39 Liberty Pass and Match Book cover.
Price: $150.00
Item #n17153
1926 USS Arizona BB-39 to Brooklyn, NY.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17156
1926 San Pedro, Ca to Executive Officer USS Arizona BB-39.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17157
1926 USS Arizona BB-39 to Long Beach, Ca.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17158
1926 USS Arizona BB-39 to Hillsboro, TX w/Letter.
Price: $40.00
Item #n17159
1928 USS Arizona BB-39 to Richmond Heights, Wa.
Price: $25.00
Item #n17161
1928 USS Arizona BB-39 to Brandon, TX w/Metal Seals on Reverse.
Price: $40.00
Item #n17163
1931 USS Arizona BB-39, St Thomas, Virgin Islands to Chicago, IL.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17164
1931 USS Arizona BB-39 to Washington DC.
Price: $15.00
Item #n17165
1931 USS Arizona BB-39 to San Diego, Ca FDC. No Cachet.
Price: $40.00
Item #n17168
1932 USS Arizona BB-39 to Easton, Pa Signed by Mail Clerk.