DK Enterprise

Latin America

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Stamps :: Latin America
Mexico: Sc #504, MH Blk/8 Vertical Imperf.Price: $75.00

Item #53705

Mexico: Various "Exporta" Stamps, MNH.Price: $20.00

Item #53706

Nicaragua: Sc # C46a, MNH Perf & Imperf.Price: $8.00

Item #53749

Brazil: Sc #59, MNG.Price: $60.00

Item #55094

Chile: Sc #17, MNG.Price: $30.00

Item #55096

Suriname: Sc # 42, used.Price: $75.00

Item #55793

Brazil: Sc # 4CL5, used Zeppelin Overprint stamp.Price: $300.00

Item #60048

Brazil: Condor Stamps, Sc #1CL10-13, MH.Price: $25.00

Item #60204

Brazil: Sc #C73A Souvenir Sheet, NGAI.Price: $45.00

Item #60363

Brazil: Sc #C53 Souvenir Sheet, MH.Price: $25.00

Item #60365

Mexico: Sc #C76a, used.Price: $30.00

Item #60385

Mexico: Sc #722a, used.Price: $50.00

Item #60386

Brazil: Sc #449 MH.Price: $30.00

Item #60387

Mexico: Sc #774-776 & C123-C125, MH.Price: $65.00

Item #60388

Brazil: Sc #81, Used.Price: $70.00

Item #60390

Brazil: Sc #98, Used.Price: $55.00

Item #60391

Brazil: Sc #97, Used.Price: $50.00

Item #60392

Brazil: Sc #97, used.Price: $50.00

Item #60392

Brazil: Sc #76, used.Price: $50.00

Item #60393

Brazil: Sc #76, Used.Price: $50.00

Item #60393

Brazil: Sc #40, Used.Price: $60.00

Item #60394

Brazil: Sc #40, used.Price: $80.00

Item #60394

Brazil: Sc #39, used.Price: $50.00

Item #60395

Mexico: Sc #620, used.Price: $100.00

Item #60396

Mexico: Sc #409, MH.Price: $35.00

Item #60397

Brazil: Sc #461-463B, used.Price: $140.00

Item #60398

Brazil: Sc #406, MH.Price: $40.00

Item #60399

Uruguay: Sc #C14 - C25, MH.Price: $260.00

Item #60734

Uruguay: Sc #C59, used.Price: $28.00

Item #60738

Brazil: Condor: 1CK1 - 1CL7, used.Price: $35.00

Item #60755

Brazil: Sc #349a, MH w/Red Partially Omitted.Price: $15.00

Item #60756

Brazil: Varig: Sc #3CL15 // 3CL36, used.Price: $75.00

Item #60783

Brazil: Sc #612, MH.Price: $12.00

Item #60788

Brazil: Sc #466, MH.Price: $16.00

Item #60789

Brazil: Sc #465, MH.Price: $9.00

Item #60790

Mexico: Sc #998a, MH.Price: $12.00

Item #60791

Chile: Sc #5, used.Price: $35.00

Item #61141

Boliva: Sc #54, MH.Price: $30.00

Item #61142

Boliva: Sc #C25, MH "Z" overprint.Price: $40.00

Item #61143

Chile: Sc #1, used.Price: $60.00

Item #61144

Argentina: Sc #452, MH Souvenir Sheet.Price: $35.00

Item #61902

Colombia: Sc # C32-C34, used.Price: $35.00

Item #61912

Colombia: Sc # 276, MH.Price: $12.00

Item #61913

Peru: Sc # C39, used.Price: $55.00

Item #61914

el Salvador: Sc #177-188, MH.Price: $45.00

Item #61915

Argentina: Sc #627, MH.Price: $125.00

Item #61916

Argentina: Sc #470-472, used.Price: $25.00

Item #61917

Argentina: Sc #62, MH.Price: $25.00

Item #61918

Ecuador 1,5,10,25 sucres Specimens.Price: $25.00

Item #ecuspecimens

Bolivia: Airmail Stamp C13, MH, w/Copper Overprint. Very scarce to find this stamp.Price: $1,800.00

Item #hs001

Colombia: Airmail Short Set, Scott # C83-C93, MH.Price: $60.00

Item #hs012

Mexico: Sc 505 MNH.Price: $20.00

Item #mex505

Mexico: Sc 505 MH.Price: $15.00

Item #mex505a
Stamps :: Latin America :: 1901-1940
Nicaragua: Sc #C67-C71, MH.Price: $50.00

Item #50206
Stamps :: Latin America :: 1941-Present
Panama: Sc #C329c-C329h, MNH w/1964 Overprint. Rare, Only 10k set were Produced.Price: $295.00

Item #31669

Chile: 1969 Philatelic Exposition Souvenir Sheet, NGAI.Price: $5.00

Item #32077
Stamps :: Latin America :: 19th Century
Colombia: Sc # F1-F2, used.Price: $100.00

Item #22167
Stamps :: Latin America :: Back of Book
Brazil 200 Reis Telegraph, #10 used.Price: $50.00

Item #24675

Argentina: 1871 200R Telegraph Tax Stamp, no Control Number, #6, mint.Price: $15.00

Item #24677

Costa Rica: Telegraph Tax Stamps, #13-19, blk/4 SPECIMENS.Price: $430.00

Item #24705

Costa Rica: 1P Telegraph Tax Stamps, #5, used.Price: $50.00

Item #24709

Dominican Republic: Telegraph Tax Stamps #1-5, used.Price: $150.00

Item #24777

Guatamala: 1928 Telegraph, #17, mnh.Price: $10.00

Item #29871

Ecuador: 1926 Telegraph, #62a.Price: $15.00

Item #29872

Ecuador: 1897 Telegraph, #20.Price: $2.50

Item #29873

Belgium: 1891 Telegraph, Imperf Reproductions.Price: $3.00

Item #29878

Belgium: 1892 Telegraph, #16, mh.Price: $1.00

Item #29879

Chile: 1902 Telegraph, #15 pair.Price: $4.00

Item #29894

Colombia: Sc #C186-C198, used.Price: $28.00

Item #30140

Colombia: Scadta, Netherlands, Mi LA122.Price: $11.00

Item #30148

Colombia: Scadta, U.S., CLEU28.Price: $5.00

Item #30149

Columbia: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #9, used.Price: $2.50

Item #37734
2 available

Columbia: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #10, MH.Price: $4.50

Item #37735

Columbia: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #12, MH.Price: $3.00

Item #37736
2 available

Columbia: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #14, MH.Price: $2.50

Item #37738

Columbia: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #22, used.Price: $2.50

Item #37739

Costa Rica: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #3, used.Price: $2.50

Item #37743

Costa Rica: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #6a, used.Price: $1.00

Item #37745

Costa Rica: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #21, MH.Price: $2.00

Item #37748

Cuba: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #46b, used.Price: $3.00

Item #37751

Cuba: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #49, used.Price: $4.00

Item #37752

Cuba: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #50, MH.Price: $5.00

Item #37753

Cuba: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #83, MH.Price: $4.00

Item #37757

Cuba: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #88, MNH.Price: $7.00

Item #37759

Cuba: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #90, MNH.Price: $7.00

Item #37760

Dominican Republic: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #4, used.Price: $35.00

Item #37764

Dominican Republic: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #5, used.Price: $45.00

Item #37765

Dominican Republic: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #23, MNH.Price: $3.50

Item #37773

Dominican Republic: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #24-25, used.Price: $3.50

Item #37774

Dominican Republic: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #32, MH. No Gum.Price: $3.00

Item #37776

Ecuador: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #1, MH.Price: $1.00

Item #37778

Ecuador: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #13, MH.Price: $1.75

Item #37781

Ecuador: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #20, MH.Price: $2.50

Item #37783

Nicaragua: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #31, used.Price: $3.00

Item #37812

Nicaragua: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #42, used.Price: $2.50

Item #37813

Nicaragua: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #44, MH.Price: $1.50

Item #37814

Nicaragua: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #58, used.Price: $4.00

Item #37815

Nicaragua: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #60, used.Price: $3.00

Item #37816

Nicaragua: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #104, used.Price: $2.00

Item #37818

Nicaragua: Telegraph Stamp, Barefoot #114, used.Price: $1.50

Item #37819

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